Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research

News from the Pelagia

Where is the Pelagia?

The RV Pelagia is the NIOZ flag ship. She is built in 1991 and overhauled in 2010. With an overall length of 66 m, this versatile and stable vessel is suited for research on both coastal seas and open oceans (except for the polar regions).

Find out where RV Pelagia is

Follow the current position of our flag ship via this map.

NIOZ@SEA blogs

Follow the news from our researchers on board.

Wednesday 22 July 2020
Follow the team of NIOZ scientist Femke de Jong as they head from Texel towards Cape Farewell (Greenland) on the RV Pelagia. Along the way they service moorings and deploy drifters to get a better understanding of possible pathways for freshwater…
Thursday 18 June 2020
NIOZ@Sea I Waddenzee onderzoek SIBES 2020
De RV Navicula is voor het dertiende jaar op rij vertrokken naar de Waddenzee voor het SIBES onderzoek. Dit Synoptic Intertidal Benthic Survey of the Wadden Sea (SIBES) project, bemonstert op duizenden punten alle droogvallende delen van de…
Friday 12 June 2020
NIOZ@SEA | Whittard Canyon 2020
We are at sea again with the RV Pelagia! After months working at home, it is even more special to be able to go out at sea and therefore we are extremely excited that we have the opportunity to recover valuable equipment and data. Follow expedition…
Wednesday 10 June 2020
Wadden Sea research on interactions between microorganisms and their environment
After 3 months of lock down, RV Navicula set sail from Texel again on June 10th. On board are NIOZ scientist Julia Engelmann, post-doc Pierre Ramond and PhD student Tim de Groot. By this blog they will try to keep us informed about their experiences:…
Tuesday 04 February 2020
NIOZ@SEA | GoM2020 expedition in the northern Gulf of Mexico
The mighty Mississippi river and its Atchafalaya branch bring in vast amounts of sediment material and dissolved nutrients into the northern Gulf of Mexico. By doing so, these rivers have an enormous impact on the chemistry and biology in the water…
Wednesday 04 December 2019
NIOZ@SEA | Sinkhole expedition to the Sababank
From 5 to 18 December, NIOZ and Wageningen Marine Research (WMR) are organizing an expedition to the Saba Bank, near the Dutch island of Saba in the Caribbean. Experts on board the research vessel Pelagia hope to gain more knowledge about the…
Monday 21 October 2019
NIOZ@SEA | North Sea Expedition 22-29 October 2019 'Eels & Seals'
Deze week zijn onderzoekers van NIOZ, Naturalis en Wageningen Marine Research aan boord van het onderzoeksschip Pelagia. Wat ze gemeen hebben is een grote interesse in het leven in en op de bodem van de Noordzee; van mollusken als het…
Monday 07 October 2019
NIOZ@SEA | North Sea Expedition PE462
In 2019 three Pelagia cruises are organised to study the carrying capacity of the North Sea. Each cruise will last 2 to 3 weeks and follows different routes to cover and describe the various parts of the ecosystem of the North Sea. Follow the blog of…
Friday 23 August 2019
NIOZ@SEA | Curacao mapping
A group of scientists from NIOZ, MARUM and ZMT are heading to Curacao to gather data on the modern and fossil reefs surrounding the island. Their expedition will last from August 23rd until September 3rd, and they will use state-of-the-art approaches…
Tuesday 13 August 2019
NIOZ@SEA | RV Pelagia Sargassum Cruise PE-455
The holopelagic species of Sargassum (i.e. S. natans and S. fluitans), which are normally associated with the Sargasso Sea, have begun forming unprecedented accumulations and subsequent strandings on the western coast of Africa, northern Brazil, and…