Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research

News from the Pelagia

Where is the Pelagia?

The RV Pelagia is the NIOZ flag ship. She is built in 1991 and overhauled in 2010. With an overall length of 66 m, this versatile and stable vessel is suited for research on both coastal seas and open oceans (except for the polar regions).

Find out where RV Pelagia is

Follow the current position of our flag ship via this map.

NIOZ@SEA blogs

Follow the news from our researchers on board.

Monday 19 August 2024
NIOZ@SEA | Methane-emission-in-the-North-Sea-III
Methane escapes from the seabed of the North Sea in various places. Methane is a potent greenhouse gas and its release into the sea and subsequent release into the atmosphere can contribute to global warming. The methane release would mainly be…
Monday 17 June 2024
NIOZ@Sea: The Weeds of Change expedition
The brown macroalgal genus Sargassum, the namesake of the Sargasso Sea, is an essential habitat and refuge for many organisms including endemic species. Historically, this so-called 'golden rainforest of the Atlantic Ocean' was constrained to the…
Wednesday 01 May 2024
NIOZ@Sea | 2nd North-Sea Atlantic Exchange (NoSe) expedition
The biologically productive North Sea impacts the global climate through exchange of carbon and nutrients with the Atlantic Ocean. The North Sea is a very productive coastal sea. A lot of carbon dioxide (CO2) can be taken up through physical,…
Wednesday 06 March 2024
NIOZ@SEA | Final recovery of 3D high-precision temperature array
After several years of preparation, a team of NIOZ-NMF constructed a large mooring array in the harbor of La Seyne-sur-mer (Toulon, France) in 8 days of October 2020. The compacted array of 45 instrumented lines mounted on a steel cable grid inside a…
Tuesday 09 January 2024
Between the 4th and 23rd of January, a team of scientists are on board the RV Pelagia to collect a second set of data and samples for the SEALINK project. This is a large, interdisciplinary project running from 2021 to 2025 in which Dutch and…
Tuesday 28 November 2023
NIOZ@SEA | Cruise PE-527 Nanoplastic in the North Atlantic
Ocean plastic debris has been recognised as a severe environmental problem in the ocean but we are only beginning to understand the role of particles
Tuesday 14 November 2023
East Antarctic expedition
From November 2023 to February 2024, we will join the international EASI-2 research expedition to East Antarctica with 4 Dutch scientists: Rob Middag, Wytze Lenstra, Florine Kooij and Robin van Dijk. Our goal is to study bio-essential trace metals:…
Monday 23 October 2023
Methane emission in the North Sea II
Methane escapes from the seabed of the North Sea in various places. Recent German research suggested that this mainly occurs in the vicinity of abandoned wells. Methane is a potent greenhouse gas and its release into the sea and subsequent release…
Tuesday 04 July 2023
Deepsea life in the cracks of the crust
During the 'Sublife'-expedition we investigate if animals can live in the cracks of the ocean crust. And if animals living around hydrothermal vents use those cracks for their dispersal. This research will transform our understanding of ecology and…