UU-NIOZ projects
Twenty four pairs of scientists from Utrecht University and the Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research will conduct joint research concerning the functioning of (coastal) seas and oceans. They will carry out interdisciplinary research into pressing scientific and societal issues that tie in with the strategic themes of both organisations. In addition to the Faculties of Science and Geosciences, also the Faculties of Law, Economics and Governance, and Veterinary Medicine of the UU are involved. The projects are part of the agreement to intensify the collaboration UU-NIOZ (2016-2025), funded by UU. Combining complementary knowledge and research facilities and working together more intensively, increases the clout of these projects. This can be a first step on the road to broad, national programmes in which the entire knowledge chain works together. The first call yielded thirteen joint projects. A similar, 2nd call for joint proposals was due on 1 July 2021 and yielded eleven projects.

Our Dynamic Coasts
This theme connects physical, chemical, and biological processes that take place in coastal zones, deltas and estuaries. This research theme links the hub Water, Climate and Future Deltas in the UU Pathways to Sustainability with the NIOZ theme Our Coast.

Sustainable functioning of Coastal and Shelf Seas
This theme aims at an integral view on ecosystem functioning, human impact and use of coastal and shelf seas. Projects target, for instance, nutrient and carbon transfers from land and cycling in the ocean (e.g. eutrophication, greenhouse gases) and limitations on multiple use of our continental shelves (e.g. legal and governance aspects). Research in this theme links the UU Pathways to Sustainability and/or Institutions for Open Societies to the NIOZ theme Our Coast.

Ocean of Discovery
This theme focuses on the major unknowns in biogeochemical cycling, microbial life in the oceans linking past, present and future. Projects involve microbiology, microbial ecology, biogeochemical cycles and bio-informatics, among other subjects. This research theme links the UU Pathways to Sustainability with the NIOZ theme Our Ocean.

Our Future Ocean
This theme includes research on physical, chemical and biological oceanography. Topics within this theme are ocean warming, ocean acidification and the biological pump. This theme also includes paleoceanography and paleoclimatology (what can we learn from changes in the past) as well as potential socio-economic impact.