Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research

Vegetable Biomass from Sea

Seaweed is a worldwide growing market. By means of, for instance, a sustainable alternative protein source, or a source for biofuels, seaweed can negotiate challenges of worlwide sigificance, including a circular economy.

The opening of the Seaweed Research Centre by King Willem Alexander in 2017.

Infrastructure of knowledge

This project substantiates the motion that was presented by the D66 and VVD parties in the Provincial Council of North Holland, and agreed by the provincial government (Statenvoordracht 70: Zeewier als energiebron). The Province of North Holland has expressed the ambition to play up in the market developing seaweed. This project of the North Holland knowledge institutes is a combination of 'thinking' and 'doing'; a mix of academic knowledge and pioneering companies organized around the existing facilities in North Holland. The project aims to build an infrastructure of knowledge aimed at developing relevant knowledge, activity and innovation. The project consists of three work packages.

  1. A market analysis of the entire seaweed chain tailored to the question of where in the chain the greatest opportunities for economic development occur.
  2. To set up a knowledge network; an interaction between scientists and entrepreneurs geared to innovation and start-ups.
  3. A concrete design of a seaweed value chain; a semi-commercial seaweed chain that is scalable and attracts commercial activity.

With this project, the authors want to prepare for the growing interest in seaweed and ensure that the development of seaweed chain and the related investment and jobs arrive in North Holland.

Project information
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Linked page:
Provincie Noord-Holland
1 Jan 2017 - 1 Oct 2018

Meet the team

Timmermans, Klaas
Senior Research Leader