Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research


BioManCO -Bio-morphodynamic modelling of mangrove-mud coasts-

Within the BioManCO project, one Post-Doc and two PhD-students develop a bio-morphodynamic model for mangrove-mud coasts, with input from laboratory and field work, the latter carried out at the extremely eroding Demak coastline, Java, Indonesia.

Mangrove restoration.

Master Plan program in Demak

This model is used for assessing the transition from a stable convex-up cross sectional profile towards an eroding concave-up profile, upon which the mangrove-mud coast is not able to restore autonomously from human or natural disturbances.

Next, the model is used to identify the conditions under which restoration of the sediment balance may lead to the restoration of a sustainable mangrove green belt. The model will be utilized for developing generic design rules for coastal restoration.

These rules will be tested by designing a Master Plan program in Demak, financed by the Dutch Sustainable Water Fund and Indonesian authorities, analysing a variety of alternative scenarios on bio-diversity and connectivity to the hinterland.

Project information
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1 Jun 2016 - 31 May 2020

Meet the team

Bouma, Tjeerd
Senior Research Leader