Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research

STW Nature Coast

Nature-driven nourishment of coastal systems

Understanding and managing large-scale coastal systems as a basis for sustainable organization of delta's is a social challenge worldwide and scientifically an untapped subject. 

Sand engine (source: Openstreetmap).

The construction of the so-called Zandmotor (sand engine) along the North Sea coast at Ter Heijde, opens an unrivaled opportunity to study natural-powered sand from our coast. So far, the monitoring of the sand engine has no scientific basis. The purpose of this program is to provide one. The program fits well within the Topsector Water (as part of the Innovation Contract Deltatechnology) and contributes to the leading position of The Netherlands in water management.

Project information
Linked department:
Linked centre of expertise:
Netherlands Organization for S…
1 Dec 2012 - 31 Mar 2017

Meet the team

Ysebaert, Tom
Guest researcher