Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research

Underwater laboratory

Underwater laboratory NIOZ Yerseke. Photo: Rosanna van Hespen

Experimental underwater gardens

This underwater laboratory is used to study how to enhance biodiversity on subtidal, hard substrates, like dikes and other man-made structures like pillars or offshore wind farms. The facility is unique in bringing the hard to reach subtidal environment to the easily accessible tidal area of the Eastern Scheldt at the very doorstep of NIOZ at Yerseke, Zeeland.

The subtidal lab consists of 12 concrete underwater basins with underwater gardens to study the development of ecosystems colonising the different experimental concrete and stone structures. Each basin is 7.5 meters long, 3.3 meters wide and 1.5 meters deep. The subtidal field lab is always filled with water, provides stable conditions and is easily accessible for monitoring at low tide.

Underwater life

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The underwater lab is a collaboration between Rijkswaterstaat, Hogeschool Zeeland and NIOZ

If you are interested in using the underwater laboratory in your research, please contact Tjeerd Bouma by email (preferred). Tjeerd Bouma is a scientist specialised in understanding the dynamics of coastal ecosystems from a biophysical perspective, aimed at sustainable conservation & use. In urgent matters, you can contact him directly.

T +31 (0)113 577 464