Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research

Areas of Expertise

The researchers of NSC take an integrated, cross-disciplinary approach to the North Sea ecosystem, combining physical, geological, and chemical aspects (both water and sediment), as well as the biological dimensions and its biodiversity, from the molecular to the ecosystem level.

Habitat conditions Physical, geomorphological and chemical habitat in the North Sea
Microbial activities Marine microbes make up the majority of the living biomass in the North Sea
Primary production Primary production is indicative for the carrying capacity of the North Sea
Soft Sediments Organisms living in the sediments play an important role in the nutrient cycles
Seabirds and Fish GPS tracking studies evaluated in the context of fisheries and natural resources
Hard substrates Hard substrates provided by offshore installations form new habitats
Carrying capacity Studying the dynamics and stability of the North Sea to understand its capacity
Seaweed cultivation The eutrophic North Sea offers good possibilities for the cultivation of seaweeds
Ecosystem modelling Simulating marine ecosystems to improve understanding and explore future states