Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research

Data policy

NIOZ’ policy on research data management focuses on safe-guarding valuable and often unique research data, and on sharing these data.

RDM-NIOZ aims to design, develop and maintain an electronic institutional RDM infrastructure that enables NIOZ researchers to manage their research data from the collection of raw data until final publication and the (FAIR) sharing of research data in accordance with the institute’s RDM policy.

The RDM infrastructure ensures that all research data (including software code, protocols, imagery) and associated meta data can be secured permanently, and will be curated for a period well in excess of 10 y. It warrants full traceability of any published data to its most original source and a swift retrieval of those data from the archive, enabling the reproduction and verification of research findings.

The infrastructure embodies an institutional data portal which is publicly accessible via NIOZ’ corporate website. It provides unrestricted access to all data qualified as ‘publicly accessible’ by the responsible researcher. The research- and meta data exposed here are all registered under DOI ( and are therefore world-wide findable, accessible and re-usable, thereby meeting the requirements as laid out in the Netherlands Code of Conduct for Research Integrity.

Data visualization

The NIOZ data portal not only allows the harvesting of research data but also their visualization. Short-term project data, mid-to-long-term monitoring data and even quasi ‘live’ data from remote in situ experimental set-ups are at display on dedicated pages for the evaluation of data quality and availability.

Data access

Research data and supplemental information associated with a scientific publications is publiced on a Dataverse. A persistent identifier (DOI) can be minted to datasets archived in DAS and be automatically registered with DataCite, an international organization for the registration of Digital Object Identifiers. Each DOI links to a page in Dataverse, showing the meta data, dataset and documents for downloading.

International data portals

NIOZ’ data portal offers access to data archives, maintained by NIOZ exclusively or in corporation with international partners. These archives generally focus on a specific programme, theme or domain and can be accessed by following the links on our data portal.


To help researchers managing and sharing their research data, NIOZ is maintaining and developing an institutional data archive, DAS (Data Archive System) for the long-term storage and processing of data. Data archived this way can be swiftly retrieved for the purpose of replication and verification on request. Secondly, DAS is interfaced with the public NIOZ data portal for searching and downloading research data by third parties to disseminate scientific knowledge and to advance the field of natural sciences.

If you have a question about the data policy or if you notice a bug in the portal, please let us know. Use the contact form on the right (preferred).