Tuesday 09 April 2024
Prestigious European grant for research into biodegradable plastics
Professor dr. Linda Amaral-Zettler, Research Leader at NIOZ Royal Netherlands Institute of Sea Research and the Chair in Marine Microbiology at the University of Amsterdam has been awarded a prestigious Advanced ERC-grant by the European Commission…
Tuesday 09 April 2024
Impact of climate change on marine life much bigger than previously known
Fish and invertebrate animals are far more affected by warmer and more acidic seawater than was previously known. This is the conclusion of a study co-led by NIOZ marine biologist Katharina Alter, based on a new analysis method and published in the…
Thursday 28 March 2024
Belgisch-Nederlandse Geopark Schelde Delta ontvangt officieel het UNESCO Global Geopark keurmerk
Het Belgisch-Nederlandse Geopark Schelde Delta ontvangt officieel het UNESCO Global Geopark keurmerk. Dat betekent dat UNESCO het gebied van het Schelde estuarium zó geologisch, cultuurhistorisch en landschappelijk uniek vindt dat de regio zich…
Friday 22 March 2024
Sound couch makes low dunes, marram grass builds height
Plants are not interchangeable when it comes to forming young dunes on a beach. This is shown in the thesis of coastal ecologist Carlijn Lammers of NIOZ. Lammers discovered that sand couch can sometimes get in the way of marram grass. "Until now, the…
Wednesday 13 March 2024
Significant impact of global warming on biodiversity in European seas
Over the past 40 years, the Atlantic Ocean has experienced a tropicalization of its communities, with an increase in the abundance of warmer-water species, while the Mediterranean and the Baltic Sea, where warming has been more rapid, have seen a…
Tuesday 05 March 2024
Deep sea and sediments bring iron to Antarctic waters
Deep sea and sediments bring iron to Antarctic waters
Iron that fertilizes the waters around Antarctica, mostly comes from the deep, upwelling waters and the sediments around the continent. That is shown by field research of NIOZ marine…
Wednesday 28 February 2024
Prestigious Vici grant for research in coastal restoration
Professor of coastal ecology and NIOZ scientist Tjisse van der Heide receives a prestigious VICI grant for his research on coastal ecosystem restoration. NWO announced that Van der Heide will receive a grant of one and a half million euros, for which…
Tuesday 27 February 2024
‘Don’t jump to conclusions on mismatches in nature’
Climate change may speed up the emergence of insects in northern countries at the onset of spring. This may cause breeding birds, migrating from the south, to come too late to benefit from the insect peak if they do not adjust their travel schedules…
Wednesday 21 February 2024
Stronger storms free more nutrients from mud flats
If storms become stronger in the future due to climate change, more nitrogen may be released from the bottom of coastal seas. This is shown by research of marine biogeochemist Dunia Rios-Yunes at The Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (NIOZ) in…
Friday 16 February 2024
With new RV Wim Wolff, Dutch coastal research can face the future
Thursday, February 15th, the RV Wim Wolff was christened in the harbor of the NIOZ on Texel. This Research Vessel (RV) replaces the RV Navicula, which served for four decades in coastal research. The new vessel is named after the godfather of…