Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research


Tuesday 03 December 2019
Onderzoekers verkennen diepste en grootste onderwater-zinkgaten ter wereld
Van 5 tot 20 december organiseren het Koninklijk Nederlands Instituut voor Onderzoek der Zee (NIOZ) en Wageningen Marine Research een expeditie naar de Sababank, vlakbij het Nederlandse eiland Saba in het Caribisch gebied. Experts hopen aan boord van…
Friday 29 November 2019
Successful mooring recovery from Challenger Deep (Mariana Trench)
In November 2019, physical oceanographer Hans van Haren, electro technician Martin Laan and mechanical engineer Yvo Witte of the NIOZ Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research recovered their 7 kilometers long mooring line from the deepest point…
Tuesday 26 November 2019
Interdisciplinary research predicts migration caused by sea level rise
Governmental policy will be necessary to start up emigration from coastal areas that are endangered by sea level rise. The question which policy is most effective can be tested in a model that takes into account sea level rise, migration and…
Tuesday 26 November 2019
Trouble on the High Seas: From Microplastics to Macroalgae
On 29 November 2019 at 16.00, Prof. dr. Linda A. Amaral Zettler, Special Chair Marine Microbiology at the Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics, University of Amsterdam will hold her inaugural speech "Trouble on the High Seas: From…
Thursday 21 November 2019
Icebergs as a source of nutrients
Will climate change lead to more iron fertilization in the ocean? The importance of icebergs as an important source of nutrients in the polar regions has long been discussed. Iron is scarce in large parts of the polar oceans, so that an increase in…
Tuesday 19 November 2019
Successful field trial of a scaled seabed mining vehicle on board RV Sarmiento de Gamboa
On 26 August 2019 a research team of the European Blue Nodules project onboard the Spanish research vessel Sarmiento de Gamboa returned to port at Málaga, southern Spain, after a successful two-week trial at sea with Apollo II, a scaled test model of…
Monday 18 November 2019
Kustbescherming gebaseerd op de natuur: klimaatbestendig?
Klimaatverandering noopt tot nieuwe manieren van denken over kustbescherming. Oplossingen gebaseerd op de natuur zijn veelbelovend. Maar om zulke natuurlijke systemen te kunnen inzetten als bescherming tegen de stijgende zeespiegel, moeten we weten…
Tuesday 29 October 2019
Largest mapping of breathing ocean floor key to understanding global carbon cycle
Marine sediments play a crucial role in the global carbon cycle due to the oxygen consumption and CO2 respiration of the organisms that live in and on the ocean floor. To help predict the changing contribution of this respiration to the carbon cycle…
Tuesday 29 October 2019
Migratory birds are worse off in West Africa
Migratory sandpipers breeding in Greenland who choose to spend the winter in West Africa instead of elsewhere along the East Atlantic coast have a lower chance of survival, are more likely to skip their first breeding season and arrive later at their…
Monday 21 October 2019
Menselijke invloed hindert groei van koraalriffen rond Bonaire
Het koraalrif rond Bonaire staat bekend als één van de gezondste van het Caribisch gebied. Uit nieuw onderzoek door Wageningen Marine Research/NIOZ blijkt echter dat een groot deel van deze riffen er niet goed voor staat: de meeste ondiepe delen…