Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research


Wednesday 03 June 2020
First online NIOZ Annual Report
'"By the time this digital NIOZ Annual Report 2019 reaches you, in Spring 2020, our world has changed. COVID-19 rules the waves. Yet, a new dawn is becoming apparent, and while we are getting back on our feet, we are more aware of the power of…
Tuesday 02 June 2020
Schuim in Scheveningen gevolg van veel algen en harde noordenwind
Het metershoge zeeschuim tijdens het fatale ongeluk van vijf watersporters op 11 mei in Scheveningen was zeer waarschijnlijk ontstaan door een uitzonderlijke combinatie van veel algenresten en een voor dit jaargetijde ongebruikelijk harde wind uit…
Tuesday 02 June 2020
Satellite-tagged red knots will cross borders this summer, while home-stuck scientists are forced to track them online to the High Arctic
Last week, 13 red knots have been equipped with light-weight satellite tags (4-5 g) in the easternmost part of the German Wadden Sea in Schleswig-Holstein. The birds have been caught by the VICI-team of Jan van Gils (NIOZ) in collaboration with Jutta…
Wednesday 20 May 2020
Four NWO grants boost NIOZ North Sea and fishery research
The Dutch Research Council (NWO) has awarded grants to NIOZ scientists Johan van der Molen and Karline Soetaert for research into the effects of future offshore wind farms on marine life, sediment, and underwater sand waves in the North Sea. The…
Thursday 07 May 2020
Koolstofopslag langs de Nederlandse kust; niet alleen bos, ook schorren en kwelders remmen klimaatverandering
Kwelders en schorren zorgen voor biodiversiteit, hoogwaterveiligheid en kunnen CO2 vastleggen. Dankzij natuurlijke processen bieden zij een buffer tegen klimaatverandering. Vorig maand zijn de resultaten van drie studies gepubliceerd, waaronder ‘Blue…
Thursday 30 April 2020
What are the odds: same individual bird ‘Yellow-Green’ found by same researcher three times, 8,500 kilometres apart
A male knot that was fitted with colored rings in Siberia in July 2019, was resighted yesterday in the Wadden Sea, east of the island of Texel. He is one of the very first knots that arrived in the Dutch Wadden Sea this spring. Last November, this…
Thursday 30 April 2020
Large scale scientific infrastructure granted: a crucial contribution to investing in new, innovative equipment for national marine research
Under the leadership of the Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (NIOZ), a large consortium of national marine research and education institutes has been focusing, over the past few years, on the now necessary replacement of the national…
Wednesday 29 April 2020
New study: These cold water cor­als in the deep sea ad­apt to ex­treme oxy­gen de­ple­tion
Reefs of cold wa­ter cor­als are unique biod­iversity hot spots in the deep sea. In or­der to grow, reef-build­ing spe­cies like Lophelia pertusa need specific environmental conditions in terms of temperature, oxygen levels and pH of the water…
Wednesday 08 April 2020
A rapidly changing Arctic: Shelf sediments, freshwater runoff from rivers brings more carbon, nutrients to North Pole
A new study by researchers at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) and their international colleagues, among which several NIOZ researchers, found that freshwater runoff from rivers and continental shelf sediments are bringing significant…
Friday 27 March 2020
Derde Natuurwijzer met NIOZ oceanograaf Sjoerd Groeskamp
In de Natuurwijzer van 29 maart op Radio Texel spreekt Sjoerd Groeskamp, geboren Texelaar en oceanograaf bij het NIOZ, met radiomaker en schrijver Mathijs Deen.