Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research


Tuesday 14 July 2020
River plants counter both flooding and drought to protect biodiversity
'Water plants are a nuisance in streams, blocking the flow. You should remove them'. This notion has for many years determined how streams were managed to prevent flooding during high rainfall events. Research by NIOZ scientist Loreta Cornacchia,…
Friday 10 July 2020
Founding of Centre of Excellence for Netherlands Biodiversity Research
To boost knowledge about biodiversity in the Netherlands, a nationwide approach to scientific research is required. To make such an approach possible, Naturalis Biodiversity Center, the Netherlands Institute of Ecology (NIOO-KNAW), the Royal…
Thursday 02 July 2020
Call for proposals UU-NIOZ collaboration 2020
Research call in the framework of the agreement to intensify the collaboration UU-NIOZ (2016-2025), funded by UU. This call for proposals focuses on the second phase of this collaboration and has been set up jointly by UU and NIOZ.
Monday 29 June 2020
Historic floods reveal how salt marshes can save lives in the future
Coastal wetlands like salt marshes are increasingly recognized as valuable natural defenses that protect coasts against strong wave attacks. Yet their performance during real-world, extreme storms has rarely been told. By digging into major historic…
Friday 26 June 2020
Blog on gull research | Fish and chicks
UvA/NIOZ researcher Roos Kentie tells us about her fieldwork and research. 'A few nests of unfortunate gulls got predated, but most eggs of the Herring and Lesser Black-backed Gulls in our research colony on the south tip of Texel have hatched. Gull…
Wednesday 24 June 2020
Microbes decisive in battle between coral and turf algae
Corals worldwide are threatened due to climate change and local stressors. The front line of the battle, however, is microscopic in scale. In the competition between coral and turf algae, microbes can be decisive in the outcome.
Friday 19 June 2020
The North Sea’s forgotten angels
The presence of Angelsharks in the North Sea has faded from our memory. In a recent publication in Marine Biology, WWF nature conservationists and NIOZ researchers urge that we put top predators from earlier centuries back into the ‘baseline’ picture…
Friday 12 June 2020
Rare parasites found in the NIOZ fyke
On the Friday morning 12th June, Dennis Mosk and Maureen Sikkema found a thick-lipped mullet in the NIOZ fyke with a large parasite attached to it’s anal fin. They regularly find parasites on fish from the NIOZ fyke, but this type of parasite is not…
Tuesday 09 June 2020
NIOZ communique on racism
We recognize the significance of this moment in time, and we want to take the opportunity to acknowledge the terrible examples of racial inequality and the impact it has internationally as well as within the Dutch oceanographic community.…
Monday 08 June 2020
Flying home. Examining the role of memorized locations as motivation for migration in red knots
NIOZ biologist Eva Kok and red knot Paula met in 2016 when the bird was caught in mist nets in the Dutch Wadden Sea. Once ringed and tagged with a very small transmitter, the first of its kind, Kok followed Paula on two of her migratory journeys from…