Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research


Thursday 11 March 2021
BiodiversityXL Live: join the conversation on biodiversity research
BiodiversityXL Live wants to be THE meeting place for all scientists and students in the field of biodiversity. Therefore, starting March 18, we will have a 30-minute discussion with scientists every 3rd Thursday of the month at 3 pm CET. Topics: the…
Thursday 04 March 2021
Unravelling the impact of invasive species on the Balgzand food web
Over the past decades, benthic communities that inhabit an enormous mudflat system in the western Wadden Sea, known as Balgzand, have felt the impact of multiple drivers including invasive species. Recent research by Sarina Jung (NIOZ and Utrecht…
Tuesday 02 March 2021
Sustainable RV Adriaen Coenen will replace RV Stern
The NWO-I Foundation Board has approved the NIOZ investment for the construction of the second new ship in the national research fleet. The seriously outdated Wadden Sea research and support vessel RV Stern was in urgent need of replacement. Next…
Wednesday 24 February 2021
Jan-Berend Stuut appointed honorary professor Aeolian sedimentology
On March 1, 2021 Jan-Berend Stuut will be appointed as honorary professor of Aeolian Sedimentology at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. As a marine geologist, Stuut (NIOZ and VU) investigates the role of desert dust in the Earth’s climate both at…
Tuesday 23 February 2021
Understanding microscopic life in the sediment in estuaries with satellite images
Intertidal flats in estuaries, like the Oosterschelde and Westerschelde, contain an enormous diversity of microalgae and cyanobacteria. This small life is also called microphytobenthos and is an important food source for shellfish, worms and…
Tuesday 23 February 2021
Pollution, turbidity and water movement hamper seagrass recovery
Seagrass provides a nursery for young fish and food for plant-eating birds. For Rijkswaterstaat (the executive agency of the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management), researchers from the NIOZ and Wageningen Marine Research have…
Tuesday 23 February 2021
"Problem of missing ice" finally solved by movement of the earth’s crust
During ice ages, the global mean sea level falls because large amounts sea water are stored in the form of huge continental glaciers. Until now, mathematical models of the last ice age could not reconcile the height of the sea level and the thickness…
Tuesday 09 February 2021
Autonomous measurements of the marine carbon cycle in the North Sea
A consortium of Fugro, NIOZ and two partner companies has been granted EUR 3.3 million by the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) for the RoboDock project.
Friday 29 January 2021
Cold-water coral reefs: Oases in a world without sun
The deep sea, a vast area beneath 200 meters of water depth. Hidden from the eye, its seafloor harbours one of the most biodiverse ecosystems on our planet. For food, most life here relies on organic material that is produced at the ocean surface.…
Tuesday 26 January 2021
Think tank for a new vessel
An interview with Henk van der Veer and Bram Fey about the long design process for research vessel RV Wim Wolff in which both were closely involved. Henk is former head of the NIOZ Department for Coastal Systems and a member of the Taskforce Fleet…