Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research


Wednesday 09 June 2021
Adriaen Coenen, unschooled expert on marine life
The new RV Adriaen Coenen will be named after a 16th century Dutch fish trader who, as a citizen scientist 'avant la lettre', marked the beginning of sea research in the Netherlands.
Wednesday 09 June 2021
Successful modeltests of RV Wim Wolff
On Tuesday 1st of June and Wednesday 2nd of June occurred at MARIN premises in Wageningen the powering propulsion and resistance model tests using a real scale model of the RV Wim Wolff. These powering model tests are meant to verify the calculated…
Thursday 27 May 2021
EMB Young Ambassador Rebecca Zitoun wants to engage the new generation of marine scientists
For the next two years, NIOZ postdoc Rebecca Zitoun will be a Young Ambassador for the European Marine Board. She is full of plans to encourage her generation of marine scientists to translate their scientific findings into communications that find…
Tuesday 25 May 2021
Changes in North Atlantic deep western boundary currents might not be related to variations in the strength of the MOC
Scientists discovered that changes in the density of North Atlantic deep western boundary currents were not directly linked to the strength of the Meridional Overturning Circulation in 2014-2018. This new study, through the international efforts of…
Tuesday 25 May 2021
Aquaculture turns biodiversity into uniformity along the coast of China
Fishery and aquaculture have given rise to an enormous uniformity in the diversity of bivalves along the more than 18,000 kilometer long Chinese coast, biologist He-Bo Peng and colleagues report in this month’s issue of Diversity and Distributions.
Wednesday 19 May 2021
Birds dealing with change - Mapping migration routes can lead to conservation areas
Tracking migratory birds that carry tiny satellite transmitters in featherlight ‘backpacks’, can teach us a lot about change in the environment. It may also point at possibilities to avoid loss of biodiversity. That is an important message in the…
Tuesday 18 May 2021
Grazing by herbivores contributes to coastal protection
Grazing by cows and small herbivores like hare and geese can help reduce the erosion of vulnerable coastal salt marshes and therefore contribute to nature-based coastal defense. This conclusion was published in a peer-reviewed paper by ecological…
Wednesday 12 May 2021
Save our oceans to protect our health - scientists call for global action plan
Scientists have proposed the first steps towards a united global plan to save our oceans, for the sake of human health. [Dutch version below English]
Monday 10 May 2021
Rooted tree key to understanding bacterial evolution
The findings of a new study, published in the journal Science last week, demonstrate how integrating vertical descent and horizontal gene transfer can be used to infer the root of the bacterial tree and the nature of the last bacterial common…
Friday 30 April 2021
Trawl fishing leads to decreased nutrient cycling in sediments
Bottom trawling leads to lower nutrient levels and loss of invertebrate life in the upper sediment layer, and thus to a poorer seafloor. These are the conclusions from a model study of Royal NIOZ postdoctoral researcher Emil De Borger and colleagues.…