Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research


Thursday 11 November 2021
Oceans of Energy will build 1 MW offshore solar off the coast of Scheveningen
Scheveningen, The Netherlands; November 11, 2021 - Today Oceans of Energy and partners & observers announce the upscaling of the world's first offshore solar farm system 20 times and expand it to 1 MW (MegaWatt). In the coming years, the company…
Wednesday 10 November 2021
Start of construction of national research vessel for Wadden and Delta: RV Wim Wolff
On 9 November 2021, the festive keel laying of the new national Wadden and Delta research vessel, RV Wim Wolff, took place at N. Dijkstra Metaalbewerking in Harlingen. The aluminium hull is built here by order of Thecla Bodewes Shipyards, the main…
Tuesday 09 November 2021
Important role for cold-water coral and sponge reefs in the deep sea
With the deep sea being more and more impacted by anthropogenic pressures, it is crucial that we begin to understand why these reefs grow where they grow and what the role of these biological hotspots is in the sustenance of the deep-sea ecosystem.…
Wednesday 03 November 2021
With Virtual Reality you can experience a drowned Zeeland village yourself
NIOZ presents a VR experience that allows you to visit a medieval Zeeland village, which is now partly buried under the mud flats. From 6 November onwards, the VR experience can be viewed in the Oosterschelde Museum in Yerseke and online.
Tuesday 26 October 2021
Detailed insights into the growth and erosion of tidal marsh
PhD researcher Haobing Cao is studying the natural coastal defenders of the future: tidal marshes. This Wednesday 27 October, he will defend his dissertation on the dynamics of marsh plants in a changing climate. “It is important to know what factors…
Monday 18 October 2021
Inaugural lecture Jan-Berend Stuut 21 October 2021 | 'Desert dust plays a major role in our climate'
"It is an insulating blanket, a reflective sunscreen and it also feeds the algae in the oceans with nutrients; dust from the desert plays a much bigger role in our climate than many people realize." This is what NIOZ researcher Professor Jan-Berend…
Monday 18 October 2021
New subspecies of bar-tailed godwit officially recognized
As of today there are no longer just five subspecies of bar-tailed godwits, but six. In the latest issue of the ornithological journal Ibis, a new subspecies is described by an international team of biologists. “Limosa lapponica yamalensis has a…
Thursday 14 October 2021
In memory of Alex Cofino | In Memoriam Alex Cofino
On Sunday evening 10 October 2021, we received the very sad news of the totally unexpected death of our highly esteemed colleague Alex Cofino, head of the NIOZ-National Marine Research Facilities (NMF). Because of his warm, open personality,…
Thursday 14 October 2021
Cordgrass invasion threatens the world’s most stunning saltmarshes
A new study by an international team of conservation biologists demonstrates that the performance of even well-managed Protected Areas can be severely undermined by exotic species invasions. Their findings are published in the leading scientific…
Wednesday 06 October 2021
Climate change tipping points: back to the drawing table
We regularly hear warnings that climate change may lead to ‘tipping points’: irreversible situations where savanna can quickly change into desert, or the warm gulf stream current can simply stop flowing. These cautions often refer to spatial patterns…