Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research


Monday 21 March 2022
Deep sea mining might start soon, still research needed
If it's up to mining companies, deep sea mining had already started many years ago. The International Seabed Authority (ISA) council 27th assembly starts today. Under pressure of several countries mining regulations are discussed. Independent…
Monday 28 February 2022
IPPC report on climate adaptation
Today the IPCC published their newest report on climate change and climate adaptation. It analyses the impacts of the climate crisis and how humanity can adapt, in addition to slashing emissions. The good news is that a liveable future remains within…
Thursday 17 February 2022
Tiny transmitters reveal animal behavior as well as threats
Tracking birds and other animals using miniature transmitters, has become extremely accurate in recent years. Literally every second, the positions of animals can be recorded automatically on the meter scale. This allows biologists to extract a…
Tuesday 08 February 2022
‘Missing’ plastics uncovered deep in the ocean
About 51 trillion microplastics are floating in the surface waters of oceans around the world. Many more particles are missing as they were not to be found at the surface or at the bottom of the ocean. New research has found that some of these…
Monday 07 February 2022
Pacific Ocean as the greatest theater of bird migration
With a surface larger than all the continents together, the Pacific Ocean is the most extreme environment a migratory bird can encounter. Yet there are several bird species that conquer this enormous body of water almost routinely. In the latest…
Friday 04 February 2022
“Taste” and “smell” of coral reefs provide insights into dynamic marine ecosystems
Coral reefs are hotspots of biodiversity and are amazingly productive with a vast number of organisms interacting simultaneously. Hundreds of molecules that are made by important members of the coral reef community were recently discovered by a team…
Thursday 03 February 2022
Pollard willows stop waves
Much is being said about how nature can help to protect us from flooding. Forests, for example, could play a role in dampening the waves that approach a dike. Until now, however, there has been little quantitative evidence of how trees function under…
Friday 28 January 2022
Global experts driving Ocean Decade action on data, information and knowledge management
NIOZ Scientific Data Manager Taco de Bruin, was appointed member of the Ocean Decade Data Coordination Group in December 2021. This group consists of 25 experts from 12 countries, representing various industries, fields and stakeholder groups who…
Thursday 27 January 2022
Unexpected distributions of trace metals in the Mediterranean Sea
Researchers from Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (NIOZ) and New Zealand (University of Otago) have discovered several remarkable facts of the distribution of the trace metals manganese, nickel, cadmium and zinc dissolved in the…
Thursday 13 January 2022
'From Sea to Society' project awarded
Within the KIC call ‘Aquatic food production’, two research projects have been awarded funding. Consortia of researchers, companies and public organisations will carry out research into the production of biomass and protein-rich food in the sea. NIOZ…