Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research


Monday 01 August 2022
Illuminating the role of Woeseiales bacteria as sources of N2O in marine sediments
Pierre Offre was granted a four year research project by NWO into nitrous oxide producing bacteria. From the coastline to the deep-sea, the bacterial group referred to as Woeseiales is abundant in seafloor sediments, accounting for 10-20% of all…
Friday 29 July 2022
How coastal seas help the ocean in absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere
The biologically productive North Sea impacts the global climate through exchange of carbon and nutrients with the Atlantic Ocean. A Dutch consortium of scientists will investigate how big this role of the North Sea really is. Under the leadership of…
Wednesday 27 July 2022
Searching for seaweed with an armed expedition leader
On Edgeøya, a small island on the south-eastern side of the Spitsbergen archipelago, marine ecologist Lauren Wiesebron, PhD candidate at the Estuarine & Delta Systems department in Yerseke, searched for seaweeds this summer. She wants to investigate…
Monday 18 July 2022
Tons of nanoplastic floating in the Wadden Sea
In the Wadden Sea, there’s about 20 tons of polystyrene and another 5 tons of PET floating in the form of invisible nano and micro particles are. That's the figure UU and NIOZ researchers calculate this month in the journal Science of the Total…
Friday 15 July 2022
BirdEyes; new research centre moved into former Friesland Bank building
BirdEyes is the new centre for interdisciplinary and internationally oriented research and post-Master’s teaching in the field of climate change. It is an initiative of Professor of Migratory Bird Ecology Theunis Piersma (NIOZ and University of…
Friday 08 July 2022
Researchers unravelled how deep-sea sponge grounds can survive far away from common food sources
Sponge grounds, areas with high densities of deep-sea sponges, are hotspots of biodiversity and biomass in the food deprived deep sea. They are just like oases in the desert. It was unknown how these sponge grounds could survive in this food-limited…
Tuesday 05 July 2022
First vessel christened in new national research fleet
Research Vessel Adriaen Coenen was christened on Wednesday, 6 July 2022 at Next Generation Shipyards in Lauwersoog, where the vessel was built. The christening of the RV Adriaen Coenen marks a new phase in the replacement of the national research…
Monday 04 July 2022
Better prediction of sea level change with regional models
Current climate models generate maps too coarse-grained for coastal seas such as the North Sea. Researcher Tim Hermans has developed a regional model that is better able to predict the expected sea level rise in the North Sea than the currently used…
Monday 04 July 2022
Research into a sustainable fishing method for cut through shell
In a unique joint venture, NIOZ and Wageningen Marine Research, together with professional fishermen and nature conservationists, are investigating how to catch cut through shells in the North Sea sustainably without harming the protected common…
Thursday 30 June 2022
NWO-Vidi grant to develop organic geochemical tools
NIOZ scientist Darci Rush received a NWO-Vidi grant for her research on Nu-BHPs (Nucleoside-BHPs as new proxies for paleo-temperature and paleo-pH). She intends to develop organic geochemical tools to reconstruct past temperature as well as soil pH,…