Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research


Wednesday 04 May 2022
Land-building marsh plants are champions of CO2 capture
It is well known that CO2 emissions from burning fossil fuels underlie the havoc being wrought by climate change. Stemming further emissions through innovations in sustainable energy production is certainly part of the solutions. However, slowing…
Tuesday 26 April 2022
Researchers restore shellfish reefs with 3D printed artificial reefs
Next month the project "Building with Ecosystem Engineers" will start with the aim of restoring mussel and oyster reefs in the Wadden Sea. The innovative research project of NIOZ and Utrecht University will 3D print artificial reef structures made of…
Tuesday 26 April 2022
Seaweed cultivation requires knowledge of reproduction
Seaweed has been grown, eaten and processed in many parts of the world for centuries. “Scaling up this seaweed cultivation much further is a good idea, in the light of various environmental and climate problems”, says PhD student Alexander Ebbing,…
Tuesday 19 April 2022
Bringing order to the chaos of sea level projections
In their effort to provide decisionmakers with insight into the consequences of climate change, climate researchers at NIOZ, Deltares and UU are bringing order to the large amount of sea level projections, translating climate models to expected sea…
Monday 04 April 2022
Arctic seals photographed from space
Around this time of year, the Arctic would normally be slowly awaking from its deep winter slumber. This year however, the annual ice melt started sooner than usual. Record breaking heat waves in both Polar regions – reaching up to 40C above normal…
Friday 25 March 2022
NIOZ viert 10 jarig bestaan in Zeeland
Vandaag, 25 maart, is het gebouw van het Koninklijk Nederlands Instituut voor Onderzoek der Zee (NIOZ) in Yerseke feestelijk heropend na een flinke verbouwing. Ook vieren we het 10-jarig bestaan van NIOZ in Zeeland. Tijdens de opening spraken oa.…
Thursday 24 March 2022
Marine algae as a basis of fish bouillon
Due to its strong umami taste, a marine alga might once become a vegan substitute of ingredients in human food such as fish broth. Marine biologist Christos Latsos, who studied the effect of several growth parameters on the productivity, quality and…
Tuesday 22 March 2022
Four years research into the effects of sand extraction in the North Sea
In the coming years, a broad consortium of research institutes and companies will be working on the ecological optimisation of sand extraction in the North Sea. "The aim is to keep the marine ecosystem healthy", says Karline Soetaert, researcher at…
Monday 21 March 2022
Deep sea mining might start soon, still research needed
If it's up to mining companies, deep sea mining had already started many years ago. The International Seabed Authority (ISA) council 27th assembly starts today. Under pressure of several countries mining regulations are discussed. Independent…
Monday 28 February 2022
IPPC report on climate adaptation
Today the IPCC published their newest report on climate change and climate adaptation. It analyses the impacts of the climate crisis and how humanity can adapt, in addition to slashing emissions. The good news is that a liveable future remains within…