Tuesday 04 April 2023
IODE Achievement Award 2023 for Taco de Bruin
Last week during the 27th Committee meeting of the International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE) program of UNESCO's Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC), NIOZ data specialist Taco de Bruin received the IODE Achievement…
Monday 03 April 2023
"It is too early for commercial deep-sea mining"
"Extracting manganese nodules or other valuable metals from the bottom of the oceans is still fraught with many uncertainties. It is therefore far too early to proceed with commercial deep-sea mining at this time." So says marine biologist Sabine…
Thursday 30 March 2023
Rise of oxygen in early ocean due to wobbling Earth's axis
Nearly 2.5 billion years ago, seas on our planet alternately contained more or less oxygen, due to the slow "wobble" of the rotating Earth. This writes an international team of scientists, some affiliated with NIOZ and Utrecht University. "The fact…
Thursday 30 March 2023
Myron Peck co-chair of Biodiversa+ hub
NIOZ climate researcher Myron Peck is appointed a co-chair of the BiodivClim knowledge hub on the ‘Potential of Nature-based solutions for mitigation and adapting to climate change’. The hub is part of Biodiversa+, a biodiversity partnership funding…
Thursday 30 March 2023
NIOZ annual report 2022
NIOZ director Han Dolman: "2022 was a year which started with hopes high. Finally, after three years, we had a year which was at least partly devoid of major Covid-19 troubles. After the last lockdown, NIOZ was fully opened up and PhDs, postdocs and…
Thursday 23 March 2023
Flood risk ten times higher in many places within 30 years
After the North Sea Flood of 1953, it took nearly 45 years to finalize the Delta Works. If we want to protect The Netherlands against sea-level rise, we shouldn’t wait too long. But how much time do we have left? Researchers from NIOZ, Utrecht…
Tuesday 21 March 2023
NIOZ collaboration with the fossil fuels industry and other industries
At NIOZ there has been a developing discussion under what conditions NIOZ can be involved in research funded by big oil and gas companies. Reasons for having this discussion now are the tenders for the wind parks at the North Sea (HKW, IJmuiden Ver),…
Monday 20 March 2023
Latest and possibly final IPCC warning: Effective climate policy is more urgent than ever
To have a fifty-fifty chance of meeting the 1.5-degree Paris target, in early 2020 the world could still emit 500 gigatons of CO2. Now, three years later, only 380 gigatons of that remains. As a result, in almost all scenarios, we exceed the 1.5…
Wednesday 15 March 2023
Natural coastal protection influenced by seagrass and soil animals
NIOZ PhD candidate Jaco de Smit investigated the role of the tidal zone in natural coastal protection. He improved a research method to conduct realistic experiments in the sea. In doing so, he discovered that offshore seagrass is surprisingly…
Wednesday 15 March 2023
NIOZ director Han Dolman's book 'Carbon dioxide through the ages: from wild spirit to climate culprit'
Everything you always wanted to know about carbon dioxide. In this book, Han Dolman meticulously traces the history of the most important greenhouse gas, from its discovery in 1600, to the problems the global community now faces with this ‘wild…