Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research


Sunday 05 March 2023
Ocean treaty: 30% of the oceans protected in 2030
Researchers at NIOZ welcome the UN treaty on ocean protection signed last night after many years of negotiations. By 2030, 30% of the seas must be protected. So far, only 1.2% of the sea is protected. [Dutch follows English]
Tuesday 21 February 2023
Developing digital twins to help understand ecosystems
LTER-LIFE aims to study and predict how global change affects ecosystems. It is one of nine projects that have just won Dutch funding earmarked for setting up and improving large-scale research infrastructure. LTER stands for Long-term Ecosystem…
Monday 20 February 2023
16 Million to keep the Dutch delta liveable – even as it changes
Deltas and coastal plains are attractive places to live: fertile, flat, open to the sea. These lowlands are, however, also vulnerable to climate-change and sea-level rise. To better predict how deltas develop in the future we need a thorough…
Wednesday 15 February 2023
Green light for Delta Climate Center in Vlissingen
NIOZ joins unique collaboration in Zeeland delta. Worldwide, over 500 million people live in deltas. The liveability of these delta is under pressure because of rising sea levels and deterioration of ecosystems. How do we create sustainable,…
Thursday 26 January 2023
Dossier: Dijkdoorbraken en natuurlijke kustverdediging
Op 1 februari 2023 herdenkt Nederland de Watersnoodramp van 70 jaar geleden. Hoewel ons laaggelegen land sindsdien goed beschermd is geweest, stellen de gevolgen van klimaatverandering, zoals zeespiegelstijging en weersextremen Nederland voor nieuwe…
Monday 23 January 2023
Bacteria really eat plastic
The bacterium Rhodococcus ruber eats and actually digests plastic. This has been shown in laboratory experiments by PhD student Maaike Goudriaan at Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (NIOZ). Based on a model study with plastic in artificial…
Friday 20 January 2023
Patchwork pattern makes ecosystems as strong as steel
What makes ecosystems resilient to climate change? A solid spatial structure. Researchers discovered a type of pattern forming in ecosystems that closely resembles the patchwork pattern that forms at very small scales in alloys such as steel. Such…
Friday 13 January 2023
Garnalenvisserij mogelijk toch schadelijk voor beschermde natuur
Vijf vragen en antwoorden over de visserij in Natura-2000-gebieden en de rol van de wetenschap hierbij:
Wednesday 11 January 2023
Sunlight pulps the plastic soup
UV light from the sun slowly breaks down plastics on the ocean’s surfaces. Floating microplastic is broken down into ever smaller, invisible nanoplastic particles that spread across the entire water column, but also to compounds that can then be…
Thursday 22 December 2022
NIOZ Christmas closure 2022
Wishing you happy holidays and a regenerative New Year! NIOZ will be closed from Friday 23 December 4 p.m. until Monday 2 January 8 a.m.