Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research


Wednesday 07 June 2023
Met goede afspraken is in de Noordzee ruimte voor vogels én vissers
De afgelopen jaren deed de visserijsector samen met wetenschappers onderzoek naar de duurzame vangst van een schelpdier uit de Noordzee. Ook vogelbeschermers participeerden, om samen meer kennis op te doen over een zee-eend die afhankelijk is van de…
Tuesday 30 May 2023
NIOZ celebrates World Oceans Day 2023
At NIOZ, every day is an ocean's day, dedicated to doing research from the delta to the deep sea and from climate to biodiversity. Around the UN's official 'World Oceans Day, June 8th , NIOZ organizes a range of activities with different stakeholders…
Tuesday 30 May 2023
ANEMOI - Towards minimal chemical pollution of offshore wind farms
Offshore wind energy offers many advantages: next to the primary aim of renewable energy production, offshore wind farms (OWFs) also offer opportunities to nature conservation and aquaculture activities. There are multiple research projects into the…
Monday 22 May 2023
Sabine Gollner receives NWO award for research on ecosystems in the ocean floor
The NWO Domain Board Science has approved twenty-one grant applications in the Open Competition Domain Science-M program. The topics varied from developing tools to monitor the shapes of single metal nanoparticles to studying how different groups of…
Wednesday 10 May 2023
Salt marshes protect the coast – but not where it is needed most
Salt marshes provide multiple ecosystem services, one of those is protection of the coast against flooding. This is especially important in low-lying countries like the Netherlands. Scientists from the University of Groningen and the Royal…
Sunday 30 April 2023
NIOZ at Science Festival Expedition Next in Middelburg
On Wednesday, May 3, the inner city of Middelburg, Zeeland, is transformed into a big science festival for children aged 6-12 and their parents/guardians. NIOZ is participating with three activities:
Thursday 20 April 2023
Melting of Greenland glaciers changes coastal ecosystem
During the 21st century, the retreat of the Greenland Ice Sheet will potentially change the composition of marine coastal species in Greenland, from bacteria to fish. This is a main research conclusion of NIOZ PhD candidate Alice Stuart-Lee, who…
Tuesday 18 April 2023
Doe mee! Groot Europees kustonderzoek bezoekt Texel
In 2023 en 2024 worden langs de hele kust van Europa door wetenschappers watermonsters genomen en geanalyseerd. Dit grootschalig maritiem onderzoek wordt gedaan door het European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) in samenwerking met lokale partners…
Monday 17 April 2023
Heat stored in the earth system 1960-2020: where does the energy go?
As our ‘out-of-balance’ Earth system accumulates more energy than it loses, an international multidisciplinary effort addresses questions ‘by how much and where’. The second version of ‘Heat stored in the Earth system 1960-2020: where does the energy…
Thursday 13 April 2023
Sustainability matters in design and construction Wim Wolff
RV Wim Wolff is expected to go into service by the end of the summer. The research vessel will be built to the latest sustainability standards. Together with the site team of shipbuilding specialists, Aarnoud van de Burgt supervises the building…