RV Adriaen Coenen in operation

Skipper Boon sails around 3 times per week, generally over the western Wadden Sea, bringing personnel and supplies from Texel to Griend, Richel or Harlingen. “The Adriaen Coenen is much quieter than the old Stern. That’s not just more pleasant for those on board, but also for the surroundings.”

The vessel is also used for tasks such as anchoring frames for measurement instruments. “Another big advantage of the Coenen is that it can easily remain stationary by means of station keeping. At first, I thought it would be difficult with the hydrojets. But it turns out they work just fine.” “We’ll be picking up the Wadtoren soon. I’m curious how that will work out with this new vessel, but I have every confidence in it”, concludes Skipper Wim Jan Boon.