Impression Expedition NEXT
Publication date: Wednesday 11 May 2022
Last Friday, 6 May 2022, the Dutch Research Agenda (NWA) organised the second edition of Expedition NEXT: the National Science Festival for children. More than 6000 enthousiastic children participated in the activities spread all over the centre of Franeker.
During the science festival Expeditie NEXT, children of primary school age and their supervisors were enthused by science in the broadest sense of the word. Led by the fictitious Professor Nova Next and her six friends, the children went on an expedition through the sunny city centre full of activities such as experiments, live research and set-ups. This way, the children got in touch with all kinds of scientists on the most diverse themes of our time. Think about the climate crisis, pandemics, social inequality or the digital world.
NIOZ at Expedition Next
NIOZ participated in the science festival with 3 activities.
- Expedition Migratory Bird - You play a red knot or a pink-footed goose. Fly to the High North to lay your eggs. But you have to be fat enough for this long journey. So eat first. And watch out for birds of prey. Run for it!
- Lab at Sea - What do deep-sea animals look like? How does climate change affect sea water? You can find the answers to these and many more questions. In our activity Lab op Zee you will discover the secrets of the deep sea with 7 experiments.
- Living Dike - In this natural way of protecting the coast, plants hold back the seawater and the waves during high tide or a storm. And you can experience how this works! Build a replica of the coast with Lego and generate a wave of water with your own strength. Will your residents keep their feet dry? NIOZ organised this activity together with the University of Twente.