Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research

Updating your VPN software 'FortiClient'


An important security upgrade in VPN-software requires an update of your local FortiClient before 21/04/22. Depending on the configuration of your device, you may have received this update already and no further action is required.

Check the version of your current installation

  1. Open your Fortinet Console by clicking the blue Fortinet Shield (your 'vpn'-icon)

    and select 'Open FortiClient Console' from the pop-up.
  2. Select the option 'About' from the menu on the left. The top of the right pane shows the FortiClient logo with the version number underneath:

  3. If the first three digits of your version correspond to '7.0.3.', your client is up-to-date and no further action is required. Hurray, you may log-in to your vpn as usual.


Update your client

In case your version does not correspond, please select your Operating System below. For Windows you will be directed to a dedicated instruction page. For Mac, the download procedure will be executed directly and you may follow the default procedure for installation:
