Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research

Containers and winches

Requests to utilise equipment can be addressed to: Zeynep Erdem (

Containerised laboratories for use on board

RV Pelagia can hold a maximum of 9 containers to be used during the cruises. The following containers are available.

  • Standard laboratory containers
  • Thermo stable lab containers 
  • Office/seismic container
  • Workshop container (for mooring work)

Containers requirering specialised/licensed personnel to operate on board

  • Isotope containers
  • Auto-analyser containers, for analysis of anorganic nutrients in sea water.

Specifications of the auto-analyser
Type: AxFlow Bran+Luebbe Traacs800, 
Possible analyses: NH4, PO4, NO3, NO2, SiO4, DIC, HS

Specifications of the container
Standard 5 meter container including ventilationsystem, airco, heating, Milli-RO and Milli-Q waterinstallation.
Maximum 4 differend nutrients can be analysed with a maximum of 800 per day.

For technical details contact: Sharyn Ossebaar (