Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research

Start construction RV Anna Weber-van Bosse

On 11 October 2023, the festive start of construction of the new ocean-going research vessel the RV Anna Weber-van Bosse took place at the Spanish shipyard Astilleros Armon in Vigo. The traditional coin 'for good luck' was welded onto the first steel keel plates by captain Hein Oenema and Gert-Jan Reichart, head of NIOZ's Ocean Research Department. This innovative and sustainable ship will replace the then 35-year-old RV Pelagia in two years' time. The new ship will be prepared to run on methanol and it will have an ice class, making it possible to conduct research closer to the ice edge, which is needed due to the rapidly melting ice caps. The flagship of the Dutch research fleet is named after Anna Weber-van Bosse: the first Dutch female, seagoing marine biologist.

Video of the event on 11 October 2023.

Side event

The event was organised as a side event of the EurOCEAN2023 conference which took place on 10-11 October 2023 at the Auditorio y Palacio de Congresos Mar de Vigo.  The day after the European Marine Board Members (representing over 10,000 scientists and technical staff in Europe) met on 12-13 October in Vigo to reflect on the outcomes from the EurOCEAN 2023 conference. To celebrate the start of the construction of the RV Anna Weber-van Bosse, an important milestone for the new Dutch Research Fleet, NIOZ  invited EMB delegates, EMB Young Ambassadors, co-organizers and other distinguished guests of the EurOCEAN2023 conference.

The site team, NIOZ, NWO and Armon delegates, EMB members and local authorities were invited to join the event. Welcome speech by site manager of Armon Shipyads in Vigo, Santiago Martin (left) and Han Dolman, director of NIOZ. Traditionally, a lucky coin is attached to the hull of a new ship o ensure good luck and prosperity for ship and crew Welding of the coin on the first steel plate by Henk Oenema (Captain RV Pelagia) and Gert-Jan Reichart (Head of Ocean Research and scientific coordinator for this project) After the ceremony, there was a toast and attendees could chat over drinks and Spanish tapas The now almost empty hall will be filled with the hull of the RV Anna Weber-van Boss in the coming year. A year from now, in autumn 2024, she will be launched and further completed here at Armon Shipyards in Vigo.