Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research

RV Navicula

RV Navicula on the Wadden Sea.


RV Navicula is 26 meters long and is especially designed for research in the Wadden Sea. The ship’s limited draft makes it particularly suitable for work in shallow channels and on the tidal flats.

The ship provides a dry and a wet lab and has space on deck for a laboratory container. The A-frame on the aft side and the winches may be used for sampling and measuring. Besides the three crew, the Navicula offers space for up to eight passengers.

More information on NIOZ's research vessels and fleet renewal on National Marine Facilities (NMF).

For technical specifications or other questions, you can contact Erica Koning, NMF Officer by email (preferred). You will get a response as soon as possible. In very urgent matters, you can contact her by phone. 

T +31 (0)222 369 441