Shorebird experiment facility

The Shorebird Experiment Facility is an intertidal, climatized indoor arena for testing field-generated hypotheses. Inside the facility are 7 holding facilities of approximately 4m long, 2m wide and 2.5m high, with a supply of running fresh water in a tray. The floor is made of easily cleaned material and is covered by running salt water for hygienic purposes. In 5 out of the 7 cages is a small mudflat with running salt water where the birds can probe the sediment.
The experimental arena is an aviary of approximately 8m long, 7m wide and 3m high filled with a layer of sand. In this aviary we are able to simulate the tidal cycle by raising and lowering the water level. Adjacent the aviary and opposite each other are two aviaries of 4m long, 1.6m wide and 2.5m high. Before a trial the birds can acclimatize in one of these aviaries from where they are released into the experimental arena using sliding doors.
For technical specifications or information about using this facility, please contact Anne Dekinga by email. (preferred). You will get a response as soon as possible. In urgent matters, you can contact him directly.
T 31+ (0)222 369 486/323
An experimental climatized indoor arena for birds
