
The Molecular Biology Laboratory, facilitates DNA and RNA targeted approaches to study any marine organism or community: from viruses in coastal phytoplankton to harbour seals.
The Sediment Lab analyses natural radio-isotopes, such as 234Th en 210Pb as well as man-made isotopes such as 137Cs, which are often used for dating sediments. Some isotopes can be measured directly using a HR ICP-MS, whereas other isotopes can be detected by alpha and beta spectrometric techniques. Both ICP-MS and spectrometry are available. Specific metabolic and chemical process rates, be it of cultures or natural wadden communities, can be assayed using radio-active nutrients, energy sources or oxidants. These substrates may be labelled with 3H, 14C, 32P, 33P, or 35S radio-isotopes. Some typical examples of activity measurements include bacterial amino acid uptake rate as a measure for bacterial production and 14C incorporation rates as a measure for primary production. Analyses of these radio-isotopes can be performed by the Radio-Isotope Lab.
The Benthic Fauna and Plankton Lab are well equipped to determine biomass, species composition and production rates of pelagic and benthic flora and fauna in wadden systems world-wide.
NIOZ provides a number of thermo-controlled laboratories for experimental studies and cultivation. Most laboratories have access to artificial and natural seawater of various salinities. Some laboratories enable testing of complete sediment cores (up to 4000 kg), which can be transported from a lorry to the climate room by means of a heavy-duty elevator and crane. One of these laboratories can be used for experiments under quarantine conditions.
For technical specifications or information about renting a facility, please contact Biem Trap, head of Facility Management by email (preferred). You will get a response as soon as possible. In urgent matters, you can contact him directly.
T +31 (0)222 369 425
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NIOZ offers a suite of state-of-the-art facilities and high quality operational procedures for the analyses of various biological and non-biological parameters of wadden systems.