Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research

Breakforce machine

A customized MultiTest dV- precision tension and compression tester.


The breakforce machine at NIOZ is a customized MultiTest dV- precision tension and compression tester. This machine is used to measure the force that is needed to break the shells of bivalves and gastropods. The device works by placing a mollusc between two plates, after which the upper plate is gently and automatically lowered until the shell crushes. The device measures the maximum exerted force to crush a shell in Newton. The generated data is used, for instance, to understand prey choice in birds (birds like red knots crush the shells in their gizzards) or to measure if parasites have an affect on the shell armour of their host.

Precision tester

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For technical specifications or other information, please contact Sander Holthuijsen by email (preferred). You will get a response as soon as possible. In urgent matters, you can contact him directly.

T +31 (0)222 369 490/585