Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research

Net Secondary Production

Net pelagic secondary mesozooplankton production

Net pelagic secondary mesozooplankton production
16.1 mg C m-2d-1=5.9 gr C m-2y-1=14.7 gr afdw m-2y-1

Primary consumers

Zooplankton and the benthic suspension-feeders are the primary consumers in the system. Their main food is phytoplankton. Zooplankton utilises the whole water column for food. The (adult) benthic suspension-feeders has a fixed position and the availability of food depends on their position and the water flows (tides). The figure show clearly that the highest biomass of filter-feeders is found near the channels.


Net filterfeeder production

Net filterfeeder production
31 .9 mg C m-2d-1=11.6gr C m-2y-1=29 gr afdw m-2y-1