However, uncertainties in the application of diol indices remain as the impact of diagenesis on diols and diol proxies is not well constraint, i.e. the potential alteration of the proxy signal from generation by the producer to deposition in the marine sediments and eventual analysis of sediments in the laboratory. The objective of my PhD project was therefore to study how diols and diol proxies are altered and impacted by diagenesis, e.g. by the impact of oxic degradation, matrix sequestration as well as lateral transport of the proxy signal over long distances. In this colloquium, I will highlight the results of different studies on the impact of oxygen exposure, from both laboratory incubation experiments as well as environmental samples.

Sophie Reiche, PhD student at NIOZ Texel under the supervision of Stefan Schouten, is studying the impact of diagenesis on long chain diols and related novel diol proxies. Before joining the NIOZ, she earned her Master’s degree in Geology at the University of Lund, Sweden.