We are pleased to announce that, after nine years, the Coastal Ecology Workshop will be returning to Zeeland, in the south-west of the Netherlands, to celebrate its 25th anniversary. This years’ workshop #CEW2017 will be organized by the Department of Estuarine & Delta Systems of NIOZ Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research. It will be held in the pittoresque village of Wemeldinge, located next to 'National Park Oosterschelde'.
As every year, this workshop is especially intended for early career and PhD researchers that work on any topic related to coastal ecology. However, senior researchers are also welcome to share their knowledge and experience. During this workshop, there will be ample time to present and discuss results and research plans. Furthermore, we are planning some interactive elements to facilitate discussion and future collaborations, and we will organize an excursion to visit the NIOZ experimental facilities and field sites along the Western and Eastern Scheldt.
Registration for the Coastal Ecology Workshop 2017 is now open!
Unfortunately, accommodation is limited to a maximum of 45 people. As we will accept participants on a first come first serve basis, we advise you to send in your registration and abstract now.
The conference fee for this year’s workshop is €250 and includes the accommodation, breakfasts, lunches and dinners. For more details about location, venue, registration and payment, please see below.
We are looking forward to see you in Zeeland this October.
Best regards,
the organization committee:
- Jim van Belzen
- Zhenchang Zhu
- Joke van Houte
- Tjeerd Bouma
Detailed information:
Venue and location:
The location for the workshop is ‘de Stelhoeve’ (a refurbished old Dutch farm) and the on-terrain venue ‘ ’t Praathuys’ (Dutch site only: http://www.stelhoeve.nl/groepsaccommodatie). The venue is located in the village of Wemeldinge.
The workshop will take place in the venue ‘ ’t Praathuys’, and all meals relaxing, sleeping, etc. in de Stelhoeve. Please note that accommodation is available in shared rooms with 4 beds for a maximum of 45 people.
The venue is located next to Nationaal Park Oosterschelde (National Parc Eastern Scheldt (regrettably only as a Dutch website) near a diving spot and renowned for spotting Harbour Porpoises. The venue can be reached by train and bus (+ 10-minute walk), but upon request, transport will be arranged from the train station Kruiningen-Yerseke.
Preliminary program:
Monday 23/10: from 16:00 registration; 19:00 dinner; 20:30 opening workshop and evening lecture
Tuesday 24/10: 9:00-18:00 presentations, workshop, & poster session (incl. breakfast, lunch, & dinner)
Wednesday 25/10: 9:00-18:00 excursion (incl. breakfast, lunch, & dinner)
Thursday 26/10: 9:00-17:00 presentation & workshops (incl. breakfast, lunch, & dinner)
Friday 27/10: 10:00 going home (only breakfast incl.)
You can register by sending the registration form to meet@nioz.nl using the subject name “CEW2017” and send a renamed registration form: “Registration CEW2017 + [your surname]”. The deadline for registration is Friday September 1st 2017. Cancellation is possible until September 1st; after this date, no refunds can be made.
Presentation and poster abstracts:
Deadline for presentation and poster abstracts is Friday October 6. Abstracts written in the format and font of our abstract template can also be sent to meet@nioz.nl with subject name “CEW2017 abstract”.
The workshop fee is €250 (including accommodation and all meals) and should to be paid by bank transfer to: NIOZ – KON.NED.INST.ONDERZOEK DER ZEE - Postbus 59 - 1790 AB Den Burg – the Netherlands; Bank: ABN-AMRO – Daalsesingel - Postbus 2059 - 3500 GB Utrecht- the Netherlands; BIC Code: ABNANL2A; IBAN code: NL69ABNA0642374252. Please mention ’4317.0 /your surname’ with the payment. As in previous years, your payment will be considered as confirmation for registration. Registration will be confirmed after payment has been received.