Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research

Species distribution modelling of keystone benthic species in the Black Sea

Affected by eutrophication, invasive species and overfishing, the Black Sea is one of the most threatened and unique marine ecosystems in the world. A core, but sometimes underappreciated, part of the Black Sea ecosystem is the benthos. Benthic organisms and their community structures, such as mussel beds and seaweed forests provide crucial ecological benefits, such as food, shelter or nursing grounds for important fish stocks. These keystone benthic species have been the recipient of harmful human activities, like bottom trawling. To inform policy makers on effective conservation practices and fisheries planning, we require information on the spatial distribution of these benthic species. To provide a good overview of the current and future spatial distribution of these species we need to construct spatial ecological models. 

In this project (in the frame of the EU project NECCTON) the student will construct species distribution models (SDMs) of mussel (Mytilus) and seaweed (Phyllophora) species. SDMs have served as essential statistical tools for predicting species occurrence, assessing the impact of climate change and informing policy in the last decade. Relating occurrence data with environmental layers, SDMs provide crucial spatial information on habitat suitability and the niche of certain species.


We are looking for a MSc student (biological or earth sciences) with a specific interest in macroscale ecological modelling. Experience in the R language for statistical computing is highly recommended but does not need to be extensive. Within some constraints, the student is of course encouraged to pursue their own interest with regards to ecological and species distribution modelling. The project will likely have a duration of approximately 6 months. Most of the project will be online and can thus be done from home, but regularly meeting at universities in Utrecht or Amsterdam to discuss the progress of the project is possible and desirable.


If you would like additional information or to apply, please contact Quinten Mudde at NIOZ EDS (