Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research

Ocean Mixing and tracer transport

Ocean mixing is intermittent and spatially variable, and on top of that it is very difficult to measure. Let alone on the scales with which mixing changes in time and space. Hence, we need to develop alternative ways to estimate mixing from variables that we can measure globally, such as temperature and salinity or sea surface height. The resulting mixing estimates are combined with theoretical parameterizations to be implemented in numerical models. Having the mixing estimates, we can start to quantify ocean transport of tracers such as oxygen, nitrates, and CO2, and analyze the influence of mixing on circulation and climate.


We seek a Master's student looking for a research project of 6+ months with interest in physical oceanography and a background in geophysical fluid dynamics, physics or applied mathematics. Data analyses will use Matlab or Python. Previous experience is not required, but willingness to learn is essential. Timing is flexible and the main work location is NIOZ Texel or remote, depending on project and pandemic.


Please contact Dr Sjoerd Groeskamp ( for further information.