MSc students
A number of opportunities for internships and thesis projects for MSc students are listed below. Moreover, if you have a specific interest or you want to explore NIOZ research, you can browse the webpages of our research departments: Estuarine & Delta Systems, Coastal Systems, Ocean Systems and Marine Microbiology & Biogeochemistry. Please contact linked scientists directly to inquire about possibilities for an internship or graduation project (please include your c.v.).
Location Texel
- The Biological Carbon Pump and particle fluxes in the North Sea
- The impact of hydrothermal vents on ocean chemistry
- Ocean Mixing and tracer transport
- Northern European Enclosure Dam
- Marsdiep ferry-based velocity record
- Marine CO2 uptake and ocean acidification
- The role of Whittard Canyon in particle dispersal and retention
- New calcite growth experiments for a better understanding of paleoclimates and biomineralization
- Chemical communication between marine microbes
- Marine microbes and their membrane lipids
- Investigating halophilic archaeal symbionts in co-culture with their hosts and enriching novel symbiont-host systems
- Marine Viral Ecology
- Productivity regimes and plankton community in the upwelling system of the Azores
- Reproductive potential of garfish in the Wadden Sea
- Personality and movement ecology in free-living Red Knots
- Movement ecology of migratory shorebirds in the Dutch Wadden Sea
- Macrozoobenthos distributions in the Dutch Wadden Sea
- Food web resilience of the Wadden Sea
- Long-term changes in wildlife parasite abundance
- Omega-3 and parasites, is there a connection?
- Movement ecology meets disease ecology
- Impacts of biological invasions on species interactions, food webs and diseases
Location Yerseke
- Food web structure and functioning of a subpolar fjord on the West Antarctic Peninsula – Insights from a data-rich food web model
- Machine learning for classification of marine zooplankton
- Integrating seaweed cultivation with large-scale offshore floating structures
- Protecting Nature with Nature - Nature-based Solutions to Improve Marine Ecosystem Health
- Interactions between Microbes and Macro-Organisms - from Symbiosis to Improving Marine Ecosystem Health
- Antioxidant and bioactivity assays of seaweed constituents from red seaweeds
- Pattern Recognition of Seaweed Constituents; correlation, differences and quality
- Controlled growth experiments yield insight into bivalve shell mineralization and chemistry
- Providing a mechanistic understanding how to maximize combined nature and coastal protection goals
- Biogeomorphic landscape formation by ecosystem engineers: generalizing across species
- Developing knowledge to preserve and restore coastal ecosystems
- Identifying the relation between the traits of intertidal organisms and the ecosystem services they provide
- Hydrodynamic ecology: unraveling hydrodynamic effects on behavior, resources and thereby communities
Student accommodation
NIOZ offers limited accommodation for interns at Campus De Potvis on Texel and guesthouse De Keete in Yerseke. For Campus De Potvis, reservations must be made via the Potvis booking website. For accommodation at NIOZ Yerseke, please contact the caretaker of De Keete via

Internship conditions
Details on the conditions for an internship at NIOZ, including information on the NIOZ financial contributions for students, can be found in the NWO Internship Implementing Regulations (for Dutch see here).