High school students
Are you interested in finding out what kind of marine research is being done at NIOZ? Have a look at the webpages of our four research departments:
Occasionally, high school students can visit NIOZ for one-day 'meeloopstages', can do an interview with one of our researchers or work on a research topic for their 'profielwerkstuk' at a Dutch high school under the guidance of a NIOZ researcher. However, there are governmental rules that apply to interns younger than 18 years (in Dutch only), which must be taken into consideration. Persons under the age of 18 are e.g. not allowed to visit or work in our laboratories, as some laboratory work involves the use of hazardous chemicals. Requests must therefore be made well in advance.
Please note that NIOZ does not offer internships to high school students lasting several days or longer.
Please e-mail Dörte Poszig, NIOZ education coordinator, if you have a question.