Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research


Thursday 29 September 2022
Dust in South America
Two members of the international dust team went to Peru to attend the Open Science Conference on Eastern Boundary Upwelling Systems (EBUS): Past, Present and Future & Second International Conference on the Humboldt Current System 19-23 September in…
Monday 22 August 2022
BLOG I-Nano cruise | Exploring deep-sea nanomaterials
Nanomaterials and nanoparticles are usually connected with high-tech industrial processes. But they have been a natural part of our planet from the very beginning, they show unique catalytic capabilities that may have (had) a major influence on…
Thursday 11 August 2022
WATLAS fieldwork 2022 | Bonte strandlopers op Griend
Evy Gobbens verblijft deze zomer 11 weken op Griend om onderzoek te doen naar bonte strandlopers. Lees in deze blogserie het dagboek dat Evy bijhoudt over het wonen en werken op een onbewoond eiland middenin de Nederlandse Waddenzee.
Monday 18 July 2022
Podcast Van Delta tot Diepzee aflevering 23_Van oud naar nieuw onderzoekschip RV Adriaen Coenen met schipper Wim Jan Boon
Een gesprek vanuit de NIOZ-haven op Texel, de thuishaven van de nationale onderzoeksschepen (research vessels): RV Pelagia, het grote onderzoeksschip dat de Oceanen bevaart en dat zich ten tijde van dit interview op de Noordzee bevindt, RV Navicula,…
Monday 27 June 2022
From 20 - 23 June two NIOZ colleagues boarded the Italian tug Macistone to recover, service and re-deploy the Mediterranean sediment-trap mooring that is part of a unique time series of Saharan dust collection since the late 1980's. The time series…
Wednesday 22 June 2022
Tracking two harmful algal blooms species through time
When microorganisms or macroalgae grow out of control they can cause harmful algal blooms (HABs). These HABs impact the environment, but may also have negative influence on humans, especially when they produce toxins. Due to human impact and climate…
Monday 23 May 2022
Podcast Van Delta tot Diepzee aflevering 22_De zee als schepper van patronen met bioloog Johan van de Koppel
Op de zandbanken en de kwelders of schorren van de waddenzee en de Zeeuwse wateren, waar het getij met bovenmenselijke regelmaat op en af gaat, ontstaan patronen. De zee, een ongedurige beeldhouwer, slaat ieder tij opnieuw sporen in het zand, in de…
Monday 23 May 2022
Red Knot Alaska Expedition 2022
Finally, after no less than three postponed summer expeditions, our team sets off to western Alaska to investigate the effects of rapid Arctic climate change on the long-distance migratory red knot. The team is headed by prof. Jan van Gils and…
Tuesday 10 May 2022
TRAILS Spring 2022
The coast of the Wadden Sea islands is dynamic by nature: beaches change shape and size by the forces of wind and waves. In the past, villages on the islands were threatened by floods and the Wadden islands migrated. Nowaday, we try to keep the…
Thursday 21 April 2022
Mixation expedition, estimating ocean mixing
From April 21st researchers on the MIXATION expedition will deploy moorings to calibrate new methods that help us provide better estimates of ocean water mixing. Ocean water mixing is an important component in climate models.