Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research


Tuesday 28 November 2023
NIOZ@SEA | Cruise PE-527 Nanoplastic in the North Atlantic
Ocean plastic debris has been recognised as a severe environmental problem in the ocean but we are only beginning to understand the role of particles
Friday 24 November 2023
T-0 meting van de eerste Texelse kerf gestart
Staatsbosbeheer is voornemens een kerf aan te leggen in de Texelse zeereep. Deze zeereep dreigt namelijk te hoog, te steil en bovendien te smal te worden, waardoor kalkhoudend zandstrand het grijze-duin gebied achter de zeereep niet meer kan…
Tuesday 14 November 2023
East Antarctic expedition
From November 2023 to February 2024, we will join the international EASI-2 research expedition to East Antarctica with 4 Dutch scientists: Rob Middag, Wytze Lenstra, Florine Kooij and Robin van Dijk. Our goal is to study bio-essential trace metals:…
Thursday 09 November 2023
MedDust 2023
From 9 - 12 October two NIOZ colleagues boarded the Italian tug Lione to recover, service and re-deploy the Mediterranean sediment-trap mooring that is part of a unique time series of Saharan dust collection since the late 1980's. The time series was…
Monday 23 October 2023
Methane emission in the North Sea II
Methane escapes from the seabed of the North Sea in various places. Recent German research suggested that this mainly occurs in the vicinity of abandoned wells. Methane is a potent greenhouse gas and its release into the sea and subsequent release…
Monday 11 September 2023
WATLAS fieldwork 2023
Even voorstellen… Mijn naam is Evy Gobbens en ik ben promovendus/PhD kandidaat bij het Koninklijk Nederlands Instituut voor Onderzoek der Zee (NIOZ). Dit houdt in dat ik vier jaar lang onderzoek doe naar wadvogels, en specifiek naar het effect van…
Monday 07 August 2023
Fieldwork on red knots in Alaska, summer 2023
This blog is about NIOZ field work in Alaska during the summer of 2023, where we studied the impact of rapid Arctic climate change on the migratory red knot (Calidris canutus). Earlier work on the so-called ‘AfroSiberian red knot’ (C. canutus…
Tuesday 04 July 2023
Deepsea life in the cracks of the crust
During the 'Sublife'-expedition we investigate if animals can live in the cracks of the ocean crust. And if animals living around hydrothermal vents use those cracks for their dispersal. This research will transform our understanding of ecology and…
Monday 19 June 2023
ACTNOW Expedition June 2023
The 10 day cruise to sample the Doggers bank is organised in the framework of the EU project ACTNOW*. The aim is to collect data on different elements of the food web simultaneously: from phytoplankton (the small “plants” in the sea) via grazing…
Monday 22 May 2023
NoSE expedition to the Norwegian Trench 26 May - 14 June 2023
The biologically productive North Sea impacts the global climate through exchange of carbon and nutrients with the Atlantic Ocean. The North Sea is a very productive coastal sea. A lot of carbon dioxide (CO2) can be taken up through physical,…