Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research


Thursday 29 June 2017
Expedition Hotchpotch
During the last week the central theme in our work was sea level change, but this week has come to an end and it is time for a change of subject. And a change of people too. At 7 o’clock this morning Pelagia arrived at Texel. All the non-Pelagia crew…
Monday 26 June 2017
Waddentrekkers | Waddenflyways 6
Touch-down for bar-tailed godwit '54' - Back to what we know from previous fieldwork
Friday 23 June 2017
North Sea Expedition 'Sea level rise'
About 12.000 years ago sea level was more 60m lower than today and large parts of the North Sea were dry land. In the following 4.000 years sea level rose more than 40m and the North Sea was formed. This story currently lies buried below the present…
Thursday 22 June 2017
Australian dust cycle
The Australian dust cycle is a "natural laboratory" for the production of mineral dust. Nowhere else on the planet is the process so clearly visible and chances are that in a few months, huge dust outbreaks will happen again!
Wednesday 14 June 2017
New dust paper by Catarina Guerreiro accepted in Biogeosciences
New dust paper by Catarina Guerreiro accepted for Biogeosciences Discussions
Tuesday 13 June 2017
Saharan dust outbreak
A huge dust outbreak occurred off NW Africa, which was registered by our buoys!
Tuesday 13 June 2017
NIOZ@Sea: North Sea expedition
Seven PhD students, three senior scientists, two assistants and the 12-headed Pelagia crew will embark on a scientific research cruise to the North Sea in the first two weeks of June.
Wednesday 07 June 2017
Waddentrekkers | Waddenflyways 5
Knot Paula: Ellesmere Island, touch down!
Tuesday 30 May 2017
New dust paper published by Laura Korte
Laura Korte published her very first paper in the open-access journal Atmospheric Chemistry & Physics
Sunday 28 May 2017
NIOZ@Sea: Whittard Canyon Expedition
The unknown role of Submarine canyons – Pathways or sinks for Organic Carbon? Follow the blogs of NIOZ researchers aboard R.V. Pelagia as they cruise the Whittard Canyon complex situated in the Bay of Biscay.