Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research


Tuesday 17 October 2017
Dust (and smoke) is in the air!
Cyclone Ophelia draws Sahara dust and Iberian smoke to northern Europe
Sunday 24 September 2017
NIOZ@Sea: Expedition Denmark Strait
On 11th September the NIOZ research vessel Pelagia started a research cruise in Denmark Strait. Here, dense water from the Nordic Seas crosses the ridge system between Greenland and Iceland and enters the North Atlantic Ocean. The aim of the cruise…
Sunday 10 September 2017
New dust paper published by Carmen Friese
The manuscript by Carmen Friese (MARUM) has now been published as "full" paper in the open-access journal Atmospheric Chemistry & Physics. The paper is entitled: "Seasonal provenance changes in present-day Saharan dust collected in and off…
Saturday 09 September 2017
Expedition M140
Research Expedition M140 onboard FS Meteor took place from 10 August until 5 September 2017 and was dedicated to servicing three sediment-trap mooring stations and surface buoys that have been collecting Saharan dust since we deployed them last year…
Monday 21 August 2017
Waddentrekkers | Wadden Flyways 8 | Paula is weer thuis
Er gaat niets boven een visuele waarneming. De afgelopen weken heeft de zender van kanoet Paula signalen verstuurd vanuit Canada, Groenland, het noorden van Schotland en de Duitse Waddeneilanden Sylt en Borkum. Uiteindelijk kwamen de signalen deze…
Friday 18 August 2017
Expedition STRATIPHYT-17
An ad-hoc cruise where an interdisciplinary team will build on earlier obtained knowledge during the STRATIPHYT project, but where we will also investigate new ideas, and collect samples for others that cannot join the cruise. The team consists of 3…
Thursday 03 August 2017
Waddentrekkers | Wadden Flyways 7
De gezenderde kanoet 'Paula' is weer 'gezien', dat wil zeggen de zender heeft weer signalen uitgezonden. Wat is er allemaal gebeurd sinds het laatste contact? | Knot 'Paula' has been 'seen' again, that is her transmitter has transmitted signals .…
Friday 14 July 2017
Education@NIOZ: Marine Masters Summer Course 2017
During the NIOZ Marine Masters Summer Course, 35 master & advanced bachelor students from Dutch, German, Spanish and French universities explore what marine research at NIOZ is about. With the western Wadden Sea as hands-on research area, the…
Monday 03 July 2017
Dust outbreaks are most often impressive events. One of the most spectacular dust storms is the so-called "haboob". Although initially described in Sudan, Africa, they have also been observed in other dry areas. Last week, a spectacular haboob in…
Thursday 29 June 2017
Expedition Hotchpotch
During the last week the central theme in our work was sea level change, but this week has come to an end and it is time for a change of subject. And a change of people too. At 7 o’clock this morning Pelagia arrived at Texel. All the non-Pelagia crew…