Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research


Sunday 04 November 2018
Expedition MSM79: chasing Saharan dust
From 9 November until 3 December this year, four NIOZ colleagues have joined expedition MSM79 on board the German research vessel Maria S. Merian, sailing from Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Spain) to Mindelo on Sao Vicente (Cape Verde). Through this…
Tuesday 16 October 2018
PhD defence Laura Korte
From this day on, Laura Korte may call herself a PhD; she successfully defended her thesis “Saharan dust deposition in the equatorial North Atlantic Ocean and its impact on particle export fluxes” at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. A committee of…
Tuesday 16 October 2018
Waddentrekkers | Wadden Flyways 10
Na twee volle seizoenen met zendergegevens van rosse gruto’s blijft één beeld hangen: dit zijn vogels met haast! De vogels vliegen in één ruk van hun overwinteringsgebieden in West-Afrika naar de Waddenzee, en vervolgens ook in één ruk naar de…
Tuesday 02 October 2018
NIOZ@SEA | Ecologisch onderzoek in de Nederlandse delta’s
De ecosystemen in de Oosterschelde, Grevelingen en Haringvliet zijn aan het veranderen door de invloed van onze Deltawerken, maar ook door klimaatverandering. In de Oosterschelde verdrinken de zandplaten langzaam door zandhonger, de bodem in het…
Wednesday 26 September 2018
Waddentrekkers | Wadden Flyways 9
Zo heel af en toe komen er nog signalen van twee gezenderde kanoeten binnen: één vanuit de Banc d’Arguin in Mauritanië en één vanuit steeds hetzelfde plekje in het zuiden van Marokko. Onderzoeksleider Theunis Piersma is nuchter genoeg om te weten wat…
Sunday 26 August 2018
NIOZ@SEA | GEOMAR | Red Sea project SaltAx
Large parts of the Red Sea rift valley are covered by flows of submarine salt and sediment which, in contrast to most other mid-ocean rifts worldwide, makes the direct observation of the volcanism and ocean floor formation impossible for most parts…
Tuesday 21 August 2018
NIOZ@SEA | Black Sea cruise 2018
The Black Sea is the largest permanently stratified low oxygen basin in the world and its water column is characterized by the presence of multiple redox gradients. This is an ideal setting to determine the physiology and role of microbes that do not…
Wednesday 08 August 2018
NIOZ@SEA | Saharan dust in the Mediterranean
Research expedition 64PE443 onboard RV Pelagia takes place from 9 to 13 August 2018 and is dedicated to recovering a set of geodetic instruments that have been recording sea-floor movements related to the activity of Mount Etna, as well as to…
Monday 06 August 2018
Blog NIOZ@Sea | Microplastics Transit Cruise
RV Pelagia cruise 64PE442 takes advantage of a transit leg from Praia de Vitória, Terceira Island in the Azores to Catania on the Island of Sicily to collect samples of plastic marine debris, phytoplankton, and other particles and to compare…
Friday 20 July 2018
Hidden secrets in the North Sea: An expedition addressing sea-level rise, oxygen loss and microbial breakdown of methane
The North Sea still hides many secrets. A joint team of researchers from the Royal NIOZ Sea Research, TNO, Deltares, Utrecht University and VU University Amsterdam set out on an expedition with the research vessel Pelagia to answer some questions…