Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research


Monday 13 May 2019
NIOZ@SEA | North Sea Expeditions 2019
In 2019 three Pelagia cruises will be organised to study the carrying capacity of the North Sea. Each cruise will last 2 to 3 weeks and follows different routes to cover and describe the various parts of the ecosystem of the North Sea. On May 8th the…
Wednesday 24 April 2019
DEEP SEARCH 2019 on cold-water coral reefs
How Benthic Landers Help Us Understand Why Corals Thrive in the Deep-sea. Read the blog by Furu Mienis, NIOZ Research Scientist. She joined the DEEP SEARCH 2019 expedition together with PhD student Sofia Ledin.
Tuesday 23 April 2019
DUST | Spring dust is in the air!
Not only spring is in the air; a lot of Saharan dust is presently also blowing towards northern Europe. The distance between the sources in northern Africa and The Netherlands is so large that the material is predominantly very fine grained: clay and…
Tuesday 26 February 2019
NIOZ@SEA | 64PE450
Along the southwestern African continental margin off Namibia and Angola coral mound provinces were found during the Meteor (ANNA) cruise in 2016. While the corals in the south along the Namibian margin were mostly fossil frame structures, the corals…
Tuesday 26 February 2019
NIOZ@SEA | FUNAMOX expedition in the southeast Atlantic
Off the coast of southwest Africa, currents force cold deep waters full of essential elements required for ocean life to the surface. This so-called upwelling has enormous impacts on the chemistry and biology of the water and sediment. We are sailing…
Monday 11 February 2019
Antarctic expedition FePhyrus II
Wat hebben ijzer en virus-infecties in Antarctica met elkaar te maken? We zijn op expeditie in de Zuidelijke Oceaan en de Weddellzee om dit uit te zoeken. Volg onze avonturen in de winter van 2018/2019 via deze blog! ~~~~ English version below ~~~~
Thursday 07 February 2019
Virus diversiteit en activiteit in Antarctica | Viral diversity and activity in Antarctic waters
Micro-organismen (algen en bacteriën) vormen de basis van de voedselketen in onze oceanen. Ook spelen ze een belangrijke rol in de wereldwijde cyclus van voedingsstoffen (nutriënten) en produceren ze 50 procent van het zuurstof op aarde. Net als in…
Thursday 24 January 2019
NIOZ@SEA | South Atlantic Subtropical Gyre Plastics Cruise
Microplastics (MP) are an emerging threat to the global environment. The Southern Ocean around Antarctica is considered an exception because it is thought to be less impacted by anthropogenic activities due to currents acting as effective barriers…
Thursday 13 December 2018
DUST | Giant dust particles in new Science paper
In their new paper that appeared today in the open-access version of Science, Michèlle van der Does and colleagues show how so-called "giant dust particles" defy gravity and are blown through the atmosphere across distances of several thousands of…
Friday 07 December 2018
DUST | PhD Defence Michèlle van der Does
As of today, Michèlle van der Does may call herself a PhD; she successfully defended her thesis "Saharan dust from a marine perspective: transport and deposition along a transect in the Atlantic Ocean" at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. A committee…