Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research


Friday 23 August 2019
NIOZ@SEA | Curacao mapping
A group of scientists from NIOZ, MARUM and ZMT are heading to Curacao to gather data on the modern and fossil reefs surrounding the island. Their expedition will last from August 23rd until September 3rd, and they will use state-of-the-art approaches…
Thursday 15 August 2019
WATLAS | Where do Red Knots go in the Wadden Sea?
Blog 1: Now it is August and along with the other migratory shorebirds Red knots arrived in the Wadden Sea after breeding in the Arctic. The Wadden Sea is an important area for Red knots to mold their feathers and feed on bivalves, like mussels and…
Thursday 15 August 2019
SPOONBILLS | Meet the Juveniles
Blog 1: To investigate the importance of social information and habitat quality in shaping the migration routes of young spoonbills, we have equipped 20 juvenile spoonbills with a GPS-GSM transmitter in June 2019, 10 on Schiermonnikoog (The…
Tuesday 13 August 2019
NIOZ@SEA | RV Pelagia Sargassum Cruise PE-455
The holopelagic species of Sargassum (i.e. S. natans and S. fluitans), which are normally associated with the Sargasso Sea, have begun forming unprecedented accumulations and subsequent strandings on the western coast of Africa, northern Brazil, and…
Friday 12 July 2019
Education@NIOZ: Marine Masters Summer Course 2019
This July, the NIOZ Marine Masters Summer Course already takes place for the 11th time. More than thirty master & advanced bachelor students from Dutch and international universities dive into the world of multidisciplinary marine research at NIOZ.…
Wednesday 03 July 2019
NIOZ@Sea | Communities at hydrothermal vent Rainbow
Hydrothermal vents are biologically and geochemically extraordinarily active environments in the deep sea that hold answers to our understanding of life under extreme conditions, early life evolution, and global element cycles. In this blog NIOZ…
Monday 01 July 2019
DUST | Loooooong tropical-cyclone records
In their new paper that appeared today in the open-access journal Geophysical Research Letters, Jan-Berend Stuut and colleagues present one of the longest existing continuous records (5.3 Million years) of climate history of the northwestern part of…
Wednesday 26 June 2019
Introduction | Tracking movements of Spoonbills
Spoonbills that breed in The Netherlands spend the winter along the Atlantic coast between France and Senegal. But why do some spoonbills fly only a few hundred kilometres to spend the winter in France, whereas others continue their journey for more…
Tuesday 18 June 2019
NIOZ@Sea | The mysteries and secrets of Whittard Canyon
Canyons might form important pathways for carbon transport to the deep-sea. How does that work? Follow the blogs of NIOZ researchers aboard R.V. Pelagia as they cruise the Whittard Canyon complex situated in the Bay of Biscay.
Thursday 13 June 2019
NIOZ@SEA | Joining the MiningImpact2 expedition of RV Sonne
The arrival of the German research vessel Sonne in the port of Vancouver, Canada, on Monday 27 May, marked the end of a 3-months scientific expedition to the Clarion-Clipperton Zone in the eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean. Four NIOZ scientists…