Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research


Friday 26 June 2020
Gulls | Fish and chicks
UvA/NIOZ researcher Roos Kentie tells us about her fieldwork and research. 'A few nests of unfortunate gulls got predated, but most eggs of the Herring and Lesser Black-backed Gulls in our research colony on the south tip of Texel have hatched. Gull…
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Wednesday 24 June 2020
An enormous dust storm is making its way across the Atlantic towards the Americas. The dust outbreak, named ‘Godzilla’ because of its size, is a typical summer phenomenon that originates in northwest Africa.
Thursday 18 June 2020
NIOZ@Sea I Waddenzee onderzoek SIBES 2020
De RV Navicula is voor het dertiende jaar op rij vertrokken naar de Waddenzee voor het SIBES onderzoek. Dit Synoptic Intertidal Benthic Survey of the Wadden Sea (SIBES) project, bemonstert op duizenden punten alle droogvallende delen van de…
Friday 12 June 2020
NIOZ@SEA | Whittard Canyon 2020
We are at sea again with the RV Pelagia! After months working at home, it is even more special to be able to go out at sea and therefore we are extremely excited that we have the opportunity to recover valuable equipment and data. Follow expedition…
Wednesday 10 June 2020
Wadden Sea research on interactions between microorganisms and their environment
After 3 months of lock down, RV Navicula set sail from Texel again on June 10th. On board are NIOZ scientist Julia Engelmann, post-doc Pierre Ramond and PhD student Tim de Groot. By this blog they will try to keep us informed about their experiences:…
Tuesday 07 April 2020
New dusty paper out: Saharan dust versus Amazon River water
In their new paper that appeared today in the open-access version of Limnology & Oceanography, entitled “Multiple drivers of production and particle export in the western tropical North Atlantic”, Laura Korte and colleagues present a comprehensive…
Friday 13 March 2020
New dusty paper out: Transatlantic Saharan dust fluxes
In their new paper that appeared today in the journal Geophysical Research Letters, Michèlle van der Does and colleagues present the first continuous two-year record of Transatlantic Saharan-dust fluxes, which they compare to modelled dust fluxes…
Wednesday 26 February 2020
Calima at the Canary Islands
Every now and then, the Canary Islands experience severe dust outbreaks from the Sahara Desert. The local population call the wind that carries the Saharan dust "Calima" , which is in fact the local name for the dry and hot winds that are also known…
Tuesday 04 February 2020
NIOZ@SEA | GoM2020 expedition in the northern Gulf of Mexico
The mighty Mississippi river and its Atchafalaya branch bring in vast amounts of sediment material and dissolved nutrients into the northern Gulf of Mexico. By doing so, these rivers have an enormous impact on the chemistry and biology in the water…
Monday 09 December 2019
WATLAS | What do Red knots eat in the Wadden Sea?
The fieldwork of summer 2019 is over and we are back to our warm offices with lots of data ready to process. In total, 256 red knots were colour ringed and tagged this season. Thanks to WATLAS, we knew where the tagged birds were, but we didn’t know…