Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research


Thursday 12 August 2021
Tracking juvenile spoonbills 2021
This is the third and final year of tracking juvenile spoonbills as part of my VENI project, with the aim to investigate the importance of genetic and a variety of environmental factors in shaping migration routes of young spoonbills. This knowledge…
Monday 31 August 2020
Tracking juvenile spoonbills 2020
This is the second year of tracking juvenile spoonbills, with the aim to investigate the importance of social information and habitat quality in shaping the migration routes of young spoonbills.
Tuesday 08 October 2019
SPOONBILLS | Alex crossed the Strait of Gibraltar to Africa
After a stay of two weeks at the Bay of Cadiz, Alex decided to make the crossing to Africa in the morning of October 1st. An intensive monitoring of the departure of spoonbills from Spain to Morocco is being performed every year in autumn by the…
Friday 20 September 2019
SPOONBILLS | Arno and Veer were observed in France!
Ornithologists from the Maison de l’Estuaire managed to trace Arno in the Seine estuary. He was resting in a group of 27 other spoonbills, and looked healthy. One of his group mates was colour-ringed.
Tuesday 17 September 2019
SPOONBILLS | The French are closely followed by the Dutch: also Arno and Veer are on their way!
Blog4: Last Friday, one day after the first Camargue juvenile spoonbills departed, the Dutch juvenile Arno left from Schiermonnikoog, and flew to the Grevelingenmeer in the Dutch Delta where he spent the night. The next morning, he continued his trip…
Friday 13 September 2019
SPOONBILLS | Migration has started, Ravi and Alex have departed
Blog 3: Yesterday (12 September), around midday, Ravi departed from the Marais du Vigueirat in westerly direction. He stayed close to the coast, maximally 17 km offshore, from where he could still see the coast, flying at about 300 m altitude. The…
Tuesday 03 September 2019
SPOONBILLS | Post-fledging movements
Blog 2: After fledging, and before their first southward migration, juvenile spoonbills often roam around much more than adult birds do during this period. These so-called post-fledging movements allow juvenile birds to explore their environment and…
Thursday 15 August 2019
SPOONBILLS | Meet the Juveniles
Blog 1: To investigate the importance of social information and habitat quality in shaping the migration routes of young spoonbills, we have equipped 20 juvenile spoonbills with a GPS-GSM transmitter in June 2019, 10 on Schiermonnikoog (The…
Wednesday 26 June 2019
Introduction | Tracking movements of Spoonbills
Spoonbills that breed in The Netherlands spend the winter along the Atlantic coast between France and Senegal. But why do some spoonbills fly only a few hundred kilometres to spend the winter in France, whereas others continue their journey for more…