Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research

Spoonbills Blog

Tuesday 16 May 2023
Ecologisch onderzoek in de Waddenzee, 2023
Onderzoekers van het NIOZ volgen al jaren wat er gebeurt met het leven in de Waddenzee. Sommige datasets zijn al langer dan 30 jaar. Veranderingen in het bodemleven worden in kaart gebracht met het SIBES-project. Elk jaar worden dieren in ruim 5.000…
Monday 15 May 2023
Marine biodiversity in the Ems Dollart area
As part of the project Wadden Mosaic, the habitats and biodiversity of the subtidal Wadden are mapped for the first time - the part of the Dutch Wadden Sea that is permanently submerged. The Wadden Sea is a nature area of international and national…
Tuesday 11 April 2023
OASIS cruise | Exploring the Alboran Sea
During the OASIS cruise, awarded to ICM CSIC by Eurofleets+, we are exploring a little part of this wilderness in the Alboran sea in the westernmost part of Mediterranean Sea.
Tuesday 07 March 2023
RV Pelagia expedition 64PE514 - DUST2023
In March 2023, an international group of dusty scientists will board RV Pelagia for an expedition around the Cape Verde Islands to study Saharan-dust deposition and its effects on the marine environment. Colleagues from NIOZ, MARE - Lisbon, MARUM -…
Monday 27 February 2023
The WISE Expedition to West Antarctic Peninsula
Approximately a year ago from today, NIOZ scientists Julia Engelmann and Swan Sow, along with assisting PhD student Dina Castillo set off on a sampling expedition for the Women in Science Excel (WISE) project. The expedition ran from Feb-May…
Monday 13 February 2023
64PE513 NIOZ@Sea blog: The BEYΩND expedition
Many marine plants and animals use carbonate minerals to build their shells and skeletons. The most well-known examples include coral and shellfish, but several important groups of plankton (organisms that spend their lives afloat in the ocean) do…
Thursday 12 January 2023
Is the ocean getting noisier? The AQUA expedition
Climate change will likely make the oceans noisier. Not only does increased ship traffic add noise, the ongoing dissolution of CO2 into the ocean makes seawater more acidic and that, in turn, makes sound travel further underwater. Various studies…
Tuesday 13 December 2022
Deep sea mining would change the seafloor ecosystem for up to millions of years
“The unique and vulnerable ecosystems of the deep sea are the last ecosystems on earth that haven't been degraded by humans yet. In this muddy environment, potato-sized polymetallic nodules are the only hold-fast for immobile animals like corals,…
Sunday 04 December 2022
Buoy on the run
Autonomous dust-collecting buoy Carmen has escaped from her mooring line with which she was tethered to the sea floor off Cape Blanc, Mauritania, northwest Africa. She had been deployed in December 2021 and was meant to be serviced again in the late…
Wednesday 09 November 2022
BLOG New Research Fleet Equipment | Training and sea acceptance tests Slocum gliders
After the tender procedure, three Slocum gliders have been purchased from Teledyne Webb Research. The first two weeks of November 2022, a team of scientists, electrical engineers and ship technicians went to SOCIB on Mallorca for combined operational…