Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research

Spoonbills Blog

Wednesday 07 June 2017
Waddentrekkers | Waddenflyways 5
Knot Paula: Ellesmere Island, touch down!
Tuesday 30 May 2017
New dust paper published by Laura Korte
Laura Korte published her very first paper in the open-access journal Atmospheric Chemistry & Physics
Sunday 28 May 2017
NIOZ@Sea: Whittard Canyon Expedition
The unknown role of Submarine canyons – Pathways or sinks for Organic Carbon? Follow the blogs of NIOZ researchers aboard R.V. Pelagia as they cruise the Whittard Canyon complex situated in the Bay of Biscay.
Wednesday 24 May 2017
Waddentrekkers | Waddenflyways 4
African and Arabian bar-tailed godwits cross on their way to the breeding grounds!
Friday 12 May 2017
Waddentrekkers | Waddenflyways 3
Kanoeten houden zich stil: gaat het nog goed met de zenders? | Knots off air: are transmitters OK?
Sunday 07 May 2017
NIOZ@Sea: Rockall Bank Expedition
Surviving in a Deep-Sea Desert – Uncovering the Functioning of Cold-Water Coral Reefs in the Deep Ocean
Monday 01 May 2017
Waddentrekkers | Waddenflyways 2
Net gearriveerde gezenderde rosse grutto gezien bij Terschelling | Bar-tailed godwit with sat-tag spotted on arrival in Wadden Sea near Terschelling
Tuesday 18 April 2017
Waddentrekkers | Waddenflyways 1
Het nieuwe 'vogels kijken': trektocht kanoeten volgen via vederlichte satelliet-zenders op hun rug | New bird-watching: following migration of sat-tagged red knots with featherlight satellite-transmitters
Wednesday 29 March 2017
NIOZ@Sea: Black Sea cruise
This edition of NIOZ@Sea is a series of blogs from the Black Sea cruise of our scientists on board research vessel Pelagia. The Black Sea is the largest permanently stratified sea in the world. This is ideal to study the structure of microbial…