Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research

Safety instructions

NIOZ considers the care for safety, health and well-being of its employees very important. It is a joint task of employer and employee to ensure safety, health and well-being at the workplace.

NIOZ pursues the following goals with its health and safety (ARBO) policy
  • Optimising safety and protecting the health of all staff, guests, trainees and visitors/service providers.
  • Handling the installations, equipment, machines and goods as safe and healthy as possible.
  • Preventing psychosocial workload resulting from work (excessive work pressure, bullying, sexual harassment, aggression and violence).

Five steps to take before your visit

NIOZ is also responsible for the safety of third parties. We ask anyone carrying out work on an NIOZ site to follow safety instructions.

The following steps should be taken before your visit

  • Start the instruction video (below)
  • Fill in your name
  • Choose the option service provider or visitor
  • Answer all the questions correctly. It is finished when, after the last question, you go back to the beginning of the video.
  • After completing the video, we will automatically receive an email with your name so we can see that you completed the instructions.